Legal Analysts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Scripps News: Legal Implications of Trump Audio Tape: Andrew Lieb Analyzes the Case

Attorney Andrew Lieb joins Scripps News to provide a comprehensive analysis on the legal implications of a recently surfaced audio tape involving former President Trump. The tape suggests potential violations of federal law, as it indicates the showing of a classified document to an individual without proper clearance. Lieb offers insights into the significance of the recording, potential defense strategies, and the challenges associated with securing convictions in high-profile cases. 

Key quotes from Attorney Andrew Lieb:

  •  "The thing is, we read about in the indictment itself recordings and it wasn't as bad as even this recording from Bedminster. And I would bet everything I own that Jack Smith has a lot more than just this recording."
  • "Trump not only pays to get the evidence taken against him, then he goes on truth social and gives us a play by play commentary when it comes out. It couldn't get better for a prosecutor than this."
  • "The laws you just played the recording dealt, but what they're going to do is they're going to say, 'But you don't believe that we don't need to believe that he wouldn't do that.'"
  • "The big hurdle is he's a very popular fella, and can you get enough jurors to want to convict them? But that's not saying does Jack Smith have the law and the facts Jack Smith has the law on the facts, though."
  • "At the end of the day, it's really hard to get around a recording of yourself that you paid for admitting that something was still secret top secret, and you were showing it to someone else. That's a problem."
  • "If I was Trump's lawyers today, I would be taking Valium after Valium and just say, 'Please turn off your social media man.' He's killing them."

Scripps News: Supreme Court Allows Biden Administration to Limit Immigration Arrests. Analysis w/ Attorney Andrew Lieb

In a recent interview with Scripps News, Attorney Andrew Lieb provided insights into the Supreme Court's decision to allow the Biden administration to prioritize immigration arrests. Lieb's analysis shed light on the factors influencing the liberal and conservative justices' perspectives, the implications for the states involved, and the broader constitutional considerations arising from the ruling.

Two Approaches to Decision-Making: Lieb noted that the liberal justices likely based their decision on a broader consideration of immigration policy as a whole. Conversely, the conservative justices focused on history and tradition, drawing parallels to previous cases like Dobbs v. Jackson that overturned Roe v. Wade. This dichotomy highlighted how different groups of people can arrive at the same conclusion through distinct approaches.

Standing and State Involvement: Lieb explained that the ruling determined that Texas and Louisiana lacked standing on the issue at hand. This ruling does not indicate support for President Biden's policy or establish the executive branch's ultimate authority. Instead, it signifies that these particular states cannot present their arguments in this specific case.

Implications on a Personal Level: Lieb highlighted that not everyone can realistically be subject to deportation due to limited governmental resources and prioritization. The ruling allows the Biden administration greater flexibility in implementing its immigration policies.

Constitutional Considerations: Lieb underscored the importance of historical perspectives and past interpretations in cases brought before the conservative-leaning Supreme Court. He emphasized that a deeper understanding of history is crucial when presenting a case to this particular Court.

Tightened Rules for State Challenges: The ruling against the states by SCOTUS has resulted in tightened rules concerning when states may challenge federal policies they disagree with. This development clarifies the parameters for state involvement in legal challenges to federal decisions.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Analyzing the Legal Implications of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

The U.S. employment law landscape has been transformed with the implementation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA). This law, endorsed by President Joe Biden, extends protections to employees dealing with pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) will now begin processing discrimination charges under this fresh statute, opening a new chapter in labor rights.

Legal Provisions:

The PWFA mandates employers to provide reasonable accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, except when these adjustments impose an undue hardship on the employer. The PWFA thus augments protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. As EEOC Chair Charlotte A. Burrows stated, the PWFA aids workers in securing their entitlements under this new law.

EEOC's Role and Resources:

The EEOC has introduced educational materials to aid workers and employers in understanding the new law. These include a "Know Your Rights" video series, a revised poster, and a guide to the PWFA. The EEOC is also set to accept discrimination charges under PWFA.

The Bottom Line:

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act fills a gap in employment rights, fostering a more equitable and inclusive working environment. It is a substantial step towards legally addressing the unique challenges faced by pregnant workers, fostering a fair workspace for all.

If you are a victim, you can bring a discrimination case and recovery monetary damages for your lost pay and emotional distress. You have rights. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

5th Cir Decision that Religion Lets Businesses Discriminate Against LGBTQ Employees Welcomes SCOTUS

 Attention SCOTUS, America needs you. 

On June 20, 2023, the 5th Cir undercut Title VII's promise to be free from employment discrimination in Bear Creek Bible Church v. EEOC, et at. 

The employer here, Bear Creek Bible Church, "is a nondenominational church" that "does not permit Braidwood to employ individuals who engage in behavior he considers sexually immoral or gender non-conforming, nor does he allow Braidwood to recognize homosexual marriage."

Bear Creek sued the EEOC asserting "that Title VII, as interpreted in the EEOC’s guidance and Bostock, prevents them from operating their places of employment in a way compatible with their Christian beliefs."

The 5th Cir held that "Title VII post-Bostock would substantially burden its ability to operate per its religious beliefs about homosexual and transgender conduct."

However, the 5th Cir called for SCOTUS by writing - "Although the Supreme Court may some day determine that preventing commercial businesses from discriminating on factors specific to sexual orientation or gender identity is such a compelling government interest that it overrides religious liberty in all cases, it has never so far held that."

Oh SCOTUS, what say you? 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Shares Key Insights on Hunter Biden Case and Trump's Trial

Political Commentator and Legal Analyst Attorney Andrew Lieb recently shared his analysis and insights on the Hunter Biden case and former President Donald Trump's trial during an exclusive interview on LiveNOW from FOX. 

Hunter Biden Case:

  • Investigation and Charges: The investigation into Hunter Biden's case spanned four to five years before specific charges were brought forward. Charges include felony gun charges and two misdemeanors related to unpaid taxes in 2017-2018. 
  • Cooperation and Plea Deal: Lieb emphasizes the importance of cooperation with prosecutors to achieve a favorable plea deal when facing potential exposure. Cooperation before formal charges are brought can lead to more favorable outcomes.
  • Potential Penalties: Lieb expresses doubt regarding the likelihood of jail time for Hunter Biden. The felony firearm charge is to be addressed through a pretrial diversion program focused on rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. Hunter Biden has already paid back taxes and penalties, reducing the possibility of incarceration by the Judge where the prosecutors are said not to be seeking jail time.

Former President Trump's Trial:

  • Trial Date and Venue: Tentative trial date set for August 14, although delays due to motions and discovery are expected. The trial will take place in Fort Pierce, Florida, a location considered more favorable for Trump compared to Miami. Lieb explains the significance of trial venue and its potential impact on the proceedings.

Congressman George Santos' Case:

  • Judge denies Santos' attempt to keep bond backers' identities sealed. The order mandates unsealing of identities on June 22 at 12 pm, allowing Santos or bond suretors the opportunity to modify the release to incarceration before the disclosure. Lieb questions if Santo's family-member suretors are actually even family members given Santos' track record for the truth. 

CBS: Supreme Court Ponders Student Loan Debt & College Admissions. Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb.

SCOTUS considers striking down affirmative action, we may find ourselves on a slippery slope. Are we edging towards ignoring student's backgrounds in college admissions, perhaps even disregarding admission letters altogether? Remember, nine states already don't factor in race for university admissions. Attorney Andrew Lieb's analysis with @CBSNewYork

Friday, June 16, 2023

CBS Radio: Donald Trump's Legal Quagmire: An Interview with Attorney Andrew Lieb

On June 14th, 2023, marking the 77th birthday of Donald Trump, CBS Radio hosted an enlightening discussion with legal analyst and attorney Andrew Lieb. The interview revolved around the former president's current legal situation following his recent arraignment and pre-birthday celebration in Bedminster.

In this deep-dive conversation, Lieb shared intriguing insights into Trump's defense strategy, potential repercussions, and the challenging path ahead for his legal team.

Trump's Defense Strategy: The 'What About Isms':

Lieb noted that Trump's defense seemed to hinge heavily on 'what about isms.' This is a tactic where the accused attempts to deflect blame by bringing attention to similar offenses committed by others. In Trump's case, the targets of his 'what about isms' are often Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. 

However, Lieb was quick to point out the ineffectiveness of this strategy in a court of law. The legal focus is solely on the individual on trial—in this instance, Trump—not anyone else. Thus, accusations directed towards Clinton, Biden, or others would be deemed irrelevant.

Trump's Legal Defense: A Game of Suppression:

According to Lieb, the defense's primary task should be to ascertain whether any evidence has been obtained illegally. If that's the case, their efforts should be directed towards suppressing such evidence. This approach takes precedence over simply trying to prove innocence. It's all about making it difficult for the prosecutor to prove guilt, rather than making it easy for the defense to prove innocence.

The Double-Edged Sword of Public Statements:

Lieb had some advice for Trump: stop talking about the case, especially on the campaign trail. As a legal professional, he believes any public discourse about the case could potentially be used against Trump in court. However, he recognized the potential political benefits of such communication, as playing the victim might appeal to Trump's base of supporters.

The Outlook: A High Likelihood of Jail Time?

In a somewhat startling revelation, Lieb expressed a belief that, based on the current state of affairs, Trump is likely to face jail time. He made it clear that this prediction doesn't factor in any potential actions the defense team could take, such as suppressing evidence or getting charges dismissed.

Further, Lieb noted that this is just the beginning. Besides the present case, there's a possibility of Trump facing additional charges in Georgia, and at the federal level in NJ—especially related to the sharing of classified documents, and in DC.

Scripps News: Analyzing Trump's Defense Strategy: Insights from Attorney Andrew Lieb

Attorney Andrew Lieb recently shared key insights on Scripps News on former President Trump's defense strategy following his arraignment. Lieb's analysis sheds light on important arguments and potential challenges that may arise in the case. Let's explore the crucial points discussed during the interview.

1. Selective Prosecution and Relevancy:

Lieb notes that Trump's references to other investigations, such as those involving Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, may hold political weight but lack the relevancy required to be heard in a courtroom. Selective prosecution may be raised as a defense, but its success remains unlikely.

2. Fourth Amendment and Unreasonable Search and Seizures:

Trump's defense may challenge the legality of the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago home, arguing violations of the Fourth Amendment. However, Lieb suggests the experienced prosecution team is unlikely to have made critical mistakes in obtaining the subpoena.

3. Personal vs. Official Records:

Trump's claim to distinguish personal and official records presents an intriguing argument because of the Clinton Sock Drawer Case. However, legal precedent from the Court of Appeals limits a president's authority in determining record categorization under the Presidential Records Act. This argument may face challenges and potential appeals.

4. Motions, Appeals, and Bond Conditions:

Lieb outlines three expected motions: discovery of evidence, suppression based on Fourth Amendment violations, and dismissal based on record categorization as personal. Appeals are likely to complicate the case further. Violating bond conditions, including communicating with witnesses, may result in consequences for Trump's bond.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Scripps News: Lieb's Legal Outlook on Trump's Indictment Case: Key Takeaways

Attorney Andrew Lieb recently delivered a comprehensive legal interpretation during his appearance on Scripps News, offering deep insights into the indictment case against former President Trump. Here are the key takeaways from his commentary:

The Importance of Discovery:

According to Lieb, the stage of litigation following arraignment will be an approximate year-long discovery. Discovery is an information exchange process where the defense counsel has the right to view what the evidence supporting the prosecutor's case, allowing them to prepare their defense based on the evidence at hand.

Anticipated Motions: 

In the context of this case, Lieb predicts a series of motions to suppress and dismiss the evidence presented by the prosecutors. This process of challenging the evidence is critical for the defense in ensuring any evidence used in the trial is obtained properly and is relevant.

Role of the Defense Team:

Lieb believes the defense team's immediate task should be to take charge of the case, turning it from a political show into a serious criminal defense case. This involves ensuring their client refrains from making potentially damaging public speeches and focusing on evaluating the evidence at hand.

Fourth Amendment Implications:

Lieb noted that improper acquisition of evidence could lead to motions for suppression based on Fourth Amendment rights, which protect against unreasonable searches and seizures. This approach could potentially impact what evidence is deemed admissible in the trial.

Implications for Future Proceedings:

As the case unfolds, Lieb anticipates many of the decisions made by the judge to be appealed to the 11th circuit, which may set precedent for future high-profile cases.

FOX LiveNOW: Andrew Lieb Sheds Light on Trump’s Federal Arraignment: An Overview

In a recent interview with LiveNow from Fox, Andrew Lieb, an attorney at Lieb at Law, offered insight into former President Donald Trump's federal arraignment. The case at hand revolves around accusations that Trump misused classified documents and obstructed justice.

Lieb explained that the investigation was being led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The probe's scope includes an examination of Trump's handling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate and the events of January 6th. However, the current arraignment focuses solely on the former.

While the investigation began under Judge Canon, the arraignment itself will be overseen by Magistrate Judge Goodman. The chief contention is what Trump did with classified documents after leaving office, including his alleged obstruction of returning these documents and the potential violation of the Espionage Act.

Trump reportedly paid someone to record conversations in which he acknowledged the classified status of certain documents. This revelation is a significant component of the indictment. The maximum penalty for these charges amounts to 400 years, although Lieb was clear to specify that this is a theoretical maximum, not a sentencing guideline.

The arraignment process was outlined as a relatively straightforward procedure. It typically involves the entry of a plea, and in Trump's case, the expectation is a plea of not guilty. However, the process of capturing images and video will be heavily restricted within federal court, and there will be no mug shots due to perceived security risks.

Moving forward, Lieb anticipates Trump will face trial, and given federal prosecutors' historically high conviction rates, he sees it likely that the former President could face prison time. It’s also worth noting that this arraignment is only one part of several potential legal issues for Trump, with potential grand jury proceedings in DC and investigations in Georgia yet to play out.

Addressing the crowds gathered outside the courthouse, Lieb expressed hopes for peaceful protests. He reiterated that it's essential for the judiciary to run its course without violent interruption, regardless of public opinion. He pointed out that Trump would have a jury largely composed of his peers in Florida, a state with a Republican majority.

Monday, June 12, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Lieb's Follow-Up Interview on Trump's Indictment: Charges, Campaigns, and Courtroom Drama (Part 2)

In a follow-up interview with LiveNOW from Fox, Attorney Andrew Lieb delved deeper into the unprecedented indictment of former President Donald Trump. As the initial shock of the news subsided, Lieb was able to provide a more nuanced analysis of the charges and their potential implications on Trump's future political pursuits.

Breaking Down the Charges:

The charges brought against Trump are severe, ranging from allegations of willful retention of National Defense Information to accusations of making false statements, conspiracy, and concealment. Lieb laid out the possible consequences of these allegations, emphasizing that these charges are substantial and carry potential prison sentences.

Trump's Political and Personal Predicament:

Lieb examined Trump's response to the indictments, characterizing the former President as being caught between his political messaging and his need for self-defense. This, according to Lieb, is indicative of the seriousness of the situation and the weight that these legal proceedings place on Trump.

The Impact on Trump's Campaign Activities:

When asked about the possible disruptions these charges could bring to Trump's campaign activities, Lieb clarified that Trump is currently facing two separate indictments, with a third potentially in the pipeline. These charges could significantly impede Trump's campaign schedule. The power to schedule court appearances rests not with the defendant, but with the judges presiding over the cases. As such, Trump could be held in contempt if he fails to attend court sessions as required.

Looking Forward:

Looking ahead, Lieb expressed his anticipation for the full indictment details, which are to be released via the PACER system. Unfortunately, due to the enormous amount of traffic following the news, the system had temporarily crashed.

Lieb also expressed his keen interest in observing Trump's next steps. Will the former president pivot from his current political maneuvers to focus more heavily on his criminal defense? With the seriousness of the charges he faces, it's a transition Lieb suggests might be necessary.

FOX LiveNOW: Legal Analyst Andrew Lieb Provides Expert Insights on Trump's Indictment: A Momentous Day in American History (Part 1)

In a recent TV news interview on LiveNOW from Fox, legal analyst Andrew Lieb provided expert analysis and insights into the indictment of former President Donald Trump. Lieb's comments shed light on the significance of the indictment and the potential implications for the former president and the country, based on how the case shakes out.  

Lieb emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, "It's a somber day. It's an overwhelming day. We have a former president being indicted on federal charges. This isn't just a state coming after him. This is these United States." He further speculated about the possibility of additional indictments in Washington, D.C., indicating that the legal proceedings surrounding Trump are far from over.

Regarding Trump's approach to the indictment, Lieb commented on his previous inaccurate statements and urged him to focus on his defense rather than political messaging and fundraising. "The first reaction you have when facing a federal indictment is not how to run for office or raise money. The first reaction you have is how to keep your mouth quiet, go with innocence, and convince them that you are not someone who is guilty," Lieb advised.

Lieb acknowledged the concerns raised by Trump supporters about potential political interference, but emphasized the importance of upholding the principle that no one is above the law. "Whether the most liberal Democrat or the most conservative Republican, we need to understand that this is a momentous, big day that we should all remember. This day does matter," he stated.

Discussing the historic nature of the indictment, Lieb underscored the significance of a former president facing federal charges, stating, "Anyone who does anything wrong can get indicted."

Lieb expressed confidence in the prosecution team led by special counsel Jack Smith, highlighting Smith's reputation and the need for rock-solid evidence to ensure a successful case. "If Jack Smith loses this case, the legitimacy of our Justice Department is out the window," Lieb warned.

The interview concluded with Lieb addressing the potential political implications in an election year, emphasizing the importance of strong evidence to dispel doubts about the case's legitimacy. He also stressed the need for politicians to be held accountable for their actions, stating, "We have serious problems if people running for president become immune from prosecution if they committed crimes."

Friday, June 09, 2023

Scripps News: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talking About Donald Trump Being Indicted In The Classified Documents Case

Andrew Lieb, a renowned constitutional attorney, was recently invited to provide expert commentary on Scripps News regarding the groundbreaking indictments of former President Donald Trump in Florida and Washington DC. The charges range from mishandling classified documents to violating the Espionage Act.

Lieb described the indictments as shocking due to their sheer magnitude. He highlighted that the incident marked a significant moment in U.S. history, where a former president was facing legal scrutiny on this scale. 

He also addressed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's public backlash against the indictment, which he deemed as a severe injustice and an unprecedented politicization of the judiciary.

According to Lieb, it is essential to appreciate that no one, including a former president, is above the law. At the same time, he noted that the case could set a precedent where potential public office candidates must maintain impeccable records to avoid similar legal scrutiny.

Lieb underlined the potential political implications of the indictment, suggesting that while it could benefit Trump in terms of visibility and fundraising amidst a crowded nomination field, the former president should prioritize his legal defense over political aspirations due to the severity of the charges.

The attorney eloquently captured the dilemma many Americans are currently grappling with: the desire for the rule of law to prevail versus the fear of potential political witch-hunts. In Lieb's view, the resolution of this case could significantly impact public trust in our judicial system and the very foundations of our democracy.

Navigating Updates in New York's Sexual Harassment Laws: A Fresh Perspective on Labor Law Section 201-g for Employers

As the landscape of anti-discrimination law continues to evolve, New York's Labor Law Section 201-g has seen significant updates that employers / employees should be aware of.  

The updates, which are encompassed in a  Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy, aim to strengthen workplace protections and foster a safe environment for all employees. New York employers must adopt the model policy or create their own sexual harassment prevention policies that meet or exceed state standards. They are also obligated to provide employees with annual sexual harassment prevention training. 

Let's take a closer look at the key changes:

1. Expanded Definition of "Sexual Harassment:

The new policy broadens the definition of sexual harassment to include harassment based on gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation. It recognizes that harassment doesn't have to be of a sexual nature, emphasizing that any form of harassment related to these characteristics constitutes sexual harassment. Furthermore, the policy defines important terms such as "cisgender," "transgender," and "non-binary" to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

2. Updated Standards:

Previously, proving a claim of sexual harassment required demonstrating that the conduct was "severe and pervasive." However, the updated policy aligns with the law's 2019 amendments which eliminated this strict standard. Instead, it emphasizes that New York plaintiffs need only show they experienced inferior treatment compared to others based on protected class membership, similar to the standards set by the New York City Human Rights Law.

3. Virtual and Hybrid Workspaces - A New Frontier of Harassment:

The updates in the law recognize the rise of virtual and hybrid workspaces, providing examples to illustrate what constitutes harassment in these contexts. In a world where many employees continue to work remotely, it's crucial for employers to understand and address harassment that may occur outside of the physical office. This includes unwelcome comments or behaviors in virtual meetings and messaging apps, among other things.

4. Universal Application Across Discrimination Types:

The law clarifies that the policy applies equally to all forms of discrimination based on other characteristics, such as race, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. It underlines the fundamental principle that all employees should be free from any form of discrimination, regardless of its nature. The reporting and investigation procedures for other forms of discrimination are aligned with those for sexual harassment, ensuring consistent treatment and protection across all protected classes.

5. Interplay Between Sex and Other Protected Characteristics:

The revised law offers examples showing how sexual harassment can intersect with other forms of discrimination. These instances are crucial for employers to understand as they illustrate complex situations where employees might be subjected to discrimination based on multiple protected characteristics simultaneously. 

6. Third-Party Intervention: A Key Role:

One key update emphasizes third-party intervention in instances of perceived harassment or discrimination. The policy provides a clear set of five steps that bystanders can take to intervene and support those affected, including interrupting the harassment, seeking help from a third party, making a record of the incident, checking in on the target, and confronting the harasser. This change underscores the collective responsibility within organizations to maintain a respectful and inclusive work environment. 

7. Strengthened Retaliation Protections:

The policy's retaliation section now explicitly lists examples of retaliatory actions, including disparagement on social media platforms. Importantly, employees are protected from retaliation even if the alleged conduct is not ultimately deemed unlawful, provided they had a good faith belief that it was. This provision encourages a safe reporting environment for all individuals.

8. The Responsibility of Supervisors:

Supervisors play a critical role in maintaining a harassment-free workplace. The updated policy emphasizes that supervisors must not wait for a formal complaint before reporting incidents of harassment. It highlights their duty to offer accommodations to victims and highlights the potential disciplinary consequences for supervisors who fail to report known instances of harassment. 

Streamlined Complaint and Investigation Process:

The new policy streamlines the complaint and investigation process, with an emphasis on promptness. Investigations should be initiated and completed as soon as possible. Additionally, employees are no longer required to submit complaints solely through the policy's complaint form; they can report incidents orally or in other written forms such as emails.

The revised sexual harassment prevention policy in New York State signifies a crucial step forward in creating safer and more inclusive workplaces. By familiarizing themselves with these changes, employers and employees can contribute to a work environment free from discrimination.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

New York's Expanding Whistleblower Law: Empowering Employees or Encouraging Tattle-tailing on Taxes

The state's taxpayer whistleblower law was recently expanded by Part DD of S4009C, the state budget, and employers should be nervous because now employees can bring lawsuits on suspicion that their employer evaded their tax obligations. 

The whistleblower law, which is formally called The New York False Claims Act (FCA), allows whistleblowers to bring suits against individuals and entities that knowingly submit deceptive claims to the government, including tax fraud. Initially, claimants were limited to individuals with specific knowledge of the taxpayer's preparation process. However, as amended under S4009C, New York State Finance Law Art. 13 §189-h now enables claims against individuals or entities who deliberately evade tax obligations where claims can be advanced solely on suspicions. 

Given that the FCA allows whistleblowers to recover monetary damages of 30 percent of the government's recovery and that the government can recover three times the loss sustained by the state, it bodes to reason that disgruntled employees are quite incentivized to bring claims in selling out their employers. 

The amendment permits claims on tax concealments from May 3, 2020, but does not allow raising retroactive claims in pending cases. Individuals and business entities should immediately reassess their filing obligations and be clear on which employees have access to their records. 

As amended, the FCA is very likely to shake up the dynamic between bosses and employees. With enticing financial incentives on the line for successful whistleblowing claims, things are about to get interesting. 

Scripps News: The Supreme Court Upholding Ban On Racial Gerrymandering: Attorney Andrew Lieb Shares Insights

In an interview with Scripps News, Attorney Andrew Lieb discussed the court decision finding Alabama's congressional map in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Lieb provided insights on the implications of the ruling, highlighting its significance for voting rights in Alabama and nationwide.

The Impact on Voting Rights:

Lieb emphasized that the ruling is based on the 15th Amendment, an anti-discrimination law. The court found the district boundaries to be discriminatory, allowing only one African-American majority district. This decision reinforces the need to protect voting rights and prevent discrimination.

A Shift in the Supreme Court:

Lieb discussed Chief Justice John Roberts' role in the Supreme Court. Roberts aims to maintain the court's legitimacy by standing against discrimination. This decision represents his attempt to reassert influence and promote a balanced approach within the court.

Advocating Unity and a Future Free from Discrimination:

Attorney Andrew Lieb passionately reflects on the enduring discussions surrounding discrimination laws, acknowledging the difficulty of empathizing with others' experiences. He emphasizes the importance of anti-discrimination laws and encourages a discourse centered around supporting one another. Lieb calls for unity, urging a departure from tribal politics and envisioning a future where discrimination is eradicated.

Newsweek: Donald Trump Suffers the Worst Hit Yet in String of Legal Blows. Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb.

This Newsweek article covers the ongoing legal troubles of former President Donald Trump, focusing on the recent testimony of his Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows. As part of two federal investigations into Trump, Meadows was subpoenaed and reportedly answered questions possibly regarding Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election results, his actions surrounding the January 6 Capitol riot, and his retention of classified documents. Attorney Andrew Lieb suggests this could spell bad news for Trump, particularly if Meadows did not plead the Fifth Amendment because he managed to secure an immunity deal. This event follows other legal hits Trump has received, including being charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in NY and being found liable in a civil sexual abuse case. 

Legal and political analyst Andrew Lieb reads significance into Meadows' testimony, suggesting that the absence of a Fifth Amendment plea and a possible immunity deal could prove damaging for Trump.

According to Lieb, Meadows, being a central figure in the White House at the time of the controversial events could provide key insights that could implicate Trump in serious charges, such as seditious conspiracy related to the January 6 incident.

Read the full article in Newsweek Here.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Fox LiveNOW: Imminent Indictment of Trump Could Reveal Deep Rot in American Politics. Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb.

In a recent interview on Live NOW from FOX, legal analyst and Attorney Andrew Lieb offered in-depth commentary about the possibility of Donald Trump's indictment happening this week in both DC and FL concerning the mishandling of classified documents.

Indictment Tea Leaves:

Lieb indicated that Trump's recent meeting with the DOJ signals an imminent indictment. He stated, "defense attorneys often will come in and meet with the prosecutor" before an indictment, and Trump's recent social media posts also suggest he believes an indictment is pending.

Political Magician Trump:

Lieb praised Trump as a "political magician" who might use a potential indictment to fuel political allegiance and fundraising efforts. However, he cautioned that this tactic could backfire in his criminal defense.

Two Different Games:

While discussing Trump's ongoing legal issues, Lieb stressed the distinction between state and federal charges, noting a presidential pardon wouldn't affect the New York case.

On Gag Orders:

Responding to inquiries about a potential gag order, Lieb said he doesn't believe one would be issued in either this case or the Manhattan one beyond the confidentiality order that already exists in NY. He did warn that Trump's tendency to speak openly might push the courts towards considering a gag order.

The Special Counsel's Options:

Lieb explained that Special Counsel Jack Smith could opt to write a report instead of indicting Trump. However, given the grand juries convening in both DC and FL, Lieb predicts an indictment is on the horizon.

Multiple Grand Juries:

When questioned about multiple grand juries, Lieb clarified it's due to alleged crimes occurring in different locations. This strategic approach would prevent the case from being relocated.

Effects on Other Political Figures:

Finally, Lieb lauded former Vice President Mike Pence's cooperation during his investigation, contrasting it with Trump's resistance. He noted Pence's respect and compliance could serve as a model for anyone facing similar situations.

Newsweek: Attorney Andrew Lieb Provides Insight on Potential Kidnapping Charges in the Feud between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom

Attorney Andrew Lieb recently provided his expertise in a compelling interview with Newsweek, focusing on the intense feud between Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida and Governor Gavin Newsom of California. The discussion delved into the possibility of DeSantis facing kidnapping charges.

Lieb shed light on the protective nature of the Doctrine of Absolute Immunity, which safeguards governors from prosecution, even if their actions are perceived as malicious or in bad faith. Additionally, he emphasized the significance of the Doctrine of Comity, which mandates states to honor and respect the laws and judicial decisions of other states. These legal principles act as a safeguard, ensuring that DeSantis is shielded from charges, regardless of the circumstances.

Of particular interest, Lieb explored the potential implications if Governor Newsom were to disregard the Doctrine of Comity and pursue charges against DeSantis. He underscored the gravity of such a situation, cautioning against the consequences that could arise from one state openly defying the laws and legal decisions of another state. The nation could be at risk of teetering on the edge of a civil war, with severe repercussions and unprecedented chaos.

The full article from Newsweek can be found here:

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Discusses Trump Lawyers Meeting with DOJ Officials

In a recent TV interview on Live NOW from FOX, legal analyst Attorney Andrew Lieb provided insightful analysis into the meeting between former President Donald Trump's legal team and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials. The conversation revolved around the potential charging decision that could significantly impact Trump's future and the unprecedented nature of this event in American history. 

Rumblings of Imminent Charging Decisions:

Lieb acknowledged the rumors surrounding imminent charging decisions in both Florida and Washington, D.C., with grand juries present in both locations. He stressed the seriousness of the crimes Trump could be charged with, such as the Espionage Act and Obstruction of Justice. This potential indictment against a former President marks a significant moment in American history, making it an exhausting and sombering experience for many.

Political Fireball vs. Substance:

When questioned about the significance of the meeting, Lieb highlighted the initial letter sent by Trump's legal team, which he described as a political fireball lacking substance. Despite the political nature of the letter, it is customary for defense counsel to meet with prosecutors to present their case. However, Lieb expressed doubts about the effectiveness of Trump's approach, as the political tone of the letter may have hindered a more factual and productive discussion.

Trump's Social Media Posts and Expectations:

Lieb addressed Trump's recent all-caps post on social media, indicating that Trump believes that he will be charged. While it would be unlikely for the DOJ officials to reveal such information during the meeting, Lieb advised Trump to exercise caution and to avoid inflaming the prosecutor. Restraint and silence, he emphasized, would be a more strategic approach when facing potential criminal problems.

Pence's Cooperation and Lessons Learned:

The interview shifted focus to former Vice President Mike Pence, who cooperated swiftly in the investigation, resulting in the DOJ's decision not to charge him. Lieb praised Pence's approach as a model for handling such situations, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and avoiding confrontation with the government.

The Leak and Future Developments:

Looking ahead, Lieb predicted that Trump's team would leak information about any charging decision, considering Trump's tendency to exploit such news for political and fundraising purposes. He anticipated that the announcement could come as early as the following week, revealing the charges Trump may face.

Uncharted Territory:

The interview concluded with an examination of the historical significance of potentially indicting a former President. Lieb emphasized that if Special Counsel Jack Smith were to indict Trump, it would mark the second pending indictment against a former president who currently leads the GOP nomination race—an unprecedented scenario in American politics. Lieb reminded the audience that the significance of both federal and state charges should not be underestimated, as state charges cannot be pardoned by the President alone.

Scripps News: Trump Reacts to Report over Tape. Legal Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Attorney Andrew Lieb recently made an appearance in an in-depth interview with Scripps News to discuss the potential legal implications for former President Donald Trump over reported classified document discussions, on tape, at his NJ Golf Course. 

Discussing Trump's defense strategy, Lieb clarified that it's not a legal strategy yet a political strategy to run for office. The legal strategy should be to keep quiet and suppress evidence. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Join Lieb at Law, P.C. as a Fall 2023 Litigation Extern (Law Students Only Apply)

Lieb at Law, P.C. presents a remarkable opportunity for passionate law students to join our esteemed litigation boutique law firm as externs for the Fall 2023 term. As a 1L or 2L, this is your invitation to become part of a dynamic work environment in Smithtown, where a commitment to excellence permeates every aspect of our practice.

The firm is dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of individuals facing discrimination and retaliation in schools, workplaces, and housing. Our litigation practice serves as a powerful tool to stand up for those whose rights have been violated. By joining our team, you will immerse yourself in a purpose-driven environment where you can actively contribute to impacting positive change. Our unwavering dedication to fighting for justice has garnered national media attention, as we make a difference in the lives of individuals who have experienced discrimination and retaliation. By joining our team, you will become part of an environment that enables you to actively contribute to meaningful transformations.

In this fast-paced office, we seek lawyers and law clerks who fearlessly tackle challenges and manage a wide array of responsibilities while maintaining their composure. Drafting pleadings, handling discovery, and preparing motions are just some of the tasks that keep us busy before lunchtime.

Upon completing a semester externship with us, you will be considered for a highly sought-after law clerk position. This invaluable experience can be the stepping stone to an associate position with our firm upon graduating from law school. We value our team members and strive to foster long-term relationships that facilitate growth and professional development.

Desired qualifications:
  • Excellent critical thinking and writing skills
  • Proficiency in discovery
  • Experience in motion practice
  • Strong research abilities using platforms like Westlaw

About Lieb at Law, P.C.:

Lieb at Law, P.C. is a prestigious litigation boutique law firm specializing in discrimination claims in employment, school, and housing. Additionally, we handle commercial disputes, real estate brokerage commission and ethics matters, breach of contract cases, title claims, commercial landlord-tenant evictions, mortgage foreclosure actions, plaintiff's personal injury, and all employment-related matters such as wage and hour claims and whistleblower actions.

Beyond our litigation practice, we offer valuable advice and counsel as outside general counsel to our corporate clients.

Our attorneys are licensed to practice law in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Colorado, and we proudly represent clients in federal courts.

Our firm's culture is rooted in three pillars of success: self-confidence, grit, and skill.

To enhance our culture, we leverage technology extensively. Our staff has access to a cloud-based legal research platform, ensuring up-to-date case information is accessible anytime and anywhere. Our secure, cloud-based case management system meticulously records every detail, enabling easy access to case facts at the touch of a button. Additionally, we employ enterprise file sharing, storage, and collaboration software, facilitating efficient teamwork and innovative document preparation.

In addition to our client representation, our managing partner serves as a media legal analyst, frequently appearing on national TV and radio. This ethos of teaching the law rather than solely learning from others extends to our attorneys who actively participate in continuing education events and corporate trainings.

At Lieb at Law, P.C., we stand at the forefront of new statutes, regulations, and cases, giving us a strategic advantage in the courtroom and ensuring exemplary representation for our clients. Join us this fall and unlock your legal potential in an environment that embraces excellence, growth, and innovation.

To Apply: 
As an important part of our selection process, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with additional information regarding your interest in our externship. We are particularly interested in understanding:
  1. Why are you interested in an externship with Lieb at Law?
  2. How does this externship align with your career objectives?
  3. What are the specific areas of our work that you are most interested in and why?
  4. How do you believe your skills and experiences can add value to our firm?

Scripps News Coverage: Lieb at Law Fights for Fairness Against Discrimination and Retaliation at Three Village School District

Lieb at Law is standing up for the rights of families and their children in school systems. We're representing the Graziano family, who faced discrimination and retaliation at their son's school.

Despite having an Individualized Education Program (IEP), which specified a minor student's access to a single-occupancy bathroom, as a reasonable accommodation, the school failed to honor these accommodations and actively denied the minor student's use of the bathroom. When Mr. Graziano advocated for his son's rights, the school retaliated against him by banning him from all school district property. This denial caused unnecessary stress and robbed the family of cherished memories for each of the family's three children who attended the district.

We've filed complaints with the New York State Division of Human Rights, and we're fighting for justice. No parent should face retaliation for advocating for their child's rights, and no child should suffer because their disability accommodations aren't honored.

Interested in learning more about the case? Check out the story covered by Scripps News 👉 Watch here

We want to make it clear - schools must be welcoming places for parents and students alike. We're determined to protect families from facing such discrimination in the future.

Stay tuned for updates as we work tirelessly for justice. Remember, you have rights, and Lieb at Law is here to defend them.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

NewsNation: Lululemon Firings: Security Flaw or Employee Scapegoats? Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Surprised by the recent #Lululemon employee firing story? Allow us to dissect it for you.

Employees Rachel and Jennifer were reportedly fired for standing up to repeat offenders. This isn't a case of rogue vigilantism, but employees ensnared in relentless criminal activity.

Corporations ought to bear some responsibility here. The real concern? Lululemon's apparent lack of proactive security measures and effective cooperation with law enforcement.

Stand Your Ground laws are common, but where is the support for employees standing their ground within their workplaces? Companies must shoulder security shortcomings, empower and protect their employees, and back them during vulnerable times.

Sharing Attorney Andrew Lieb's interview on this topic with NewsNation. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Trump To Appear As Judge Reinforces Ban On Attacking Witnesses. Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb.

Trump's Legal Showdown: Gag Order or Protective Measure? Attorney Andrew Lieb Spills the Truth 👀⚖️

NBC LX: Analyzing the Bryan Kohberger Case: An Interview with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined NBC LX, discussing the complex case of Idaho murder suspect, Bryan Kohberger. We delved into the meaning of 'standing silent' as a plea, the challenging dynamics of suborning perjury, and the gravity of the death penalty decision in light of Idaho's reinstated firing squad.

The case is certainly a difficult one, with public intrigue high and key legal aspects at play.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Safeguarding Digital Privacy in Employment: An Examination of Assembly Bill A836

The age of digitization has elevated the significance of privacy rights, particularly regarding employment relationships. With the rise of personal electronic accounts, there has been growing concern about whether employers should be granted access to these accounts. Addressing this concern, Assembly Bill A836 in New York has recently been passed and heads to the Governor's Desk to be enacted, providing significant protection of employees' and applicants' digital privacy.

Defining the Prohibition: Assembly Bill A836

The 2023-2024 legislative session of New York saw the introduction of Assembly Bill A836, sponsored by Assemblyman Dinowitz. The bill provides comprehensive protection to the digital privacy of employees and job applicants, explicitly forbidding employers from requesting or requiring an employee or an applicant to disclose access details to their personal accounts on electronic communication devices.

What Constitutes a Personal Account?

Under the provisions of the bill, a personal account is an electronic medium profile where users create, share, and view user-generated content. This could range from uploading or downloading videos or photos, blogging, vlogging, instant messaging, or maintaining any internet website profile that is used by an individual exclusively for personal purposes.

Impact on Employers and Employees

Under the proposed bill, employers cannot compel or require employees or job applicants to disclose authentication details, access personal accounts in the employer's presence, or reproduce content or information from these personal accounts. Any infringement of this law may have legal repercussions.

Notable Exceptions

Despite the broad coverage of the bill, there are certain exceptions where an employer may request access information. These exceptions typically revolve around non-personal accounts that provide access to the employer's internal computer or information systems.

The bill also allows employers to request access information to an account used for business purposes or an account tied to an electronic device partially or fully paid by the employer. However, the employer must provide prior notice to the employee and obtain explicit agreement.

Looking Ahead

Upon being signed into law, Assembly Bill A836 will come into effect 180 days later, marking a significant milestone in the protection of digital privacy in the workplace. It emphasizes the necessity of distinguishing personal and professional spheres in the digital realm and serves as a potential precedent for other jurisdictions to follow.

Employers will have to adapt to this legislation and update their practices to maintain compliance. This underscores the continuous challenge of harmonizing privacy rights with business requirements in the rapidly evolving digital era.

Monday, May 22, 2023

PIX 11: Former Police Officer Retaliated Against by School for Defending Autistic Son's Rights. Lieb at Law Advocates for Justice

At Lieb at Law, P.C., we believe in protecting the rights of individuals who face unjust treatment. Today, we want to shed light on an alarming incident involving one of our clients, a courageous father and former police officer, who has recently faced retaliation from a local school district.

The heart of this story revolves around a dedicated father who took a stand against an unfair bathroom rule. Despite his valiant efforts to protect his autistic child's well-being, he became the target of unjust treatment from the school administration.

Our client, a former police officer who has devoted his life to upholding the law and safeguarding others, found himself banned from school property as a consequence of his bravery and commitment to fighting for what is right. It is disheartening to witness such retaliation against someone who simply sought equality and inclusivity for his child.

At Lieb at Law, P.C., we firmly believe that no one should face discrimination or retaliation for advocating for their loved ones. We stand with our client and his family, ready to support them in their pursuit of justice. 

PIX 11 News featured our client's struggle for justice. You can read the story in detail by following this link

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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Artificial Intelligence as the Discrimination Actor in Employment Discrimination

Welcome to the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and employment discrimination. 

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just published a new recourse on AI and Title VII, which is a reminder that employment decisions are happening more and more through the utilization of AI and employers are responsible if the AI "has an adverse impact on individuals of a particular race, color, religion, sex, or national origin." 

In fact, the EEOC makes clear that employers may be responsible even if "the tools are designed or administered by another entity, such as a software vendor." 

So, all employers, regardless of location, should pay attention to NYC's NYC Local law 144, which became effective on January 1, 2023, and attempt to comply, as it's a way to mitigate your exposure. The Local Law regulates the use of "automated employment decision tools" when it comes to employment discrimination in hiring and promotions by requiring annual audits, a summary of audit results on the employer's website, and other notice requirements to those subjected to screening by the tool. 

By following NYC's lead with audits, employers can avoid major discrimination lawsuits through the fault of AI rather than human actors. That said, the audits should go beyond NYC's requirements and hit each of the 5 areas the EEOC suggests will result in discrimination claims, including: 

  1. Resume scanners that prioritize applications using certain keywords; 
  2. Employee monitoring software that rates employees on the basis of their keystrokes or other factors; 
  3. “Virtual assistants” or “chatbots” that ask job candidates about their qualifications and reject those who do not meet pre-defined requirements; 
  4. Video interviewing software that evaluates candidates based on their facial expressions and speech patterns; and
  5. Testing software that provides “job fit” scores for applicants or employees regarding their personalities, aptitudes, cognitive skills, or perceived “cultural fit” based on their performance on a game or on a more traditional test. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Fox LIVENOW: Idaho College Murders: What's next for Bryan Kohberger? Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Bryan Kohberger, the criminology Ph.D. student accused of the home invasion murders of four University of Idaho undergrads, has been indicted by a grand jury in Latah County, authorities have confirmed. Attorney Andrew Lieb joines FOX LiveNOW to analyze the case. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

ABC 7: Attorney Andrew Lieb, Legal-Political Analyst Talks About Rep. George Santos

 Attorney Andrew Lieb, Legal-Political Analyst Talks About Rep. George Santos on WABC 7-NY.

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb, Legal-Political Analyst Talking About Trump Civil Trial

 Andrew Lieb provides analysis on Trump Civil Trial.

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talks About The Jury Finding Trump Liable In E. Jean Carroll Case.

Attorney Andrew Lieb Talks About The Jury Finding Trump Liable In E. Jean Carroll Case on LiveNOW from FOX.

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talking About Congressman George Santos Arrested on Federal Changes

U.S. Rep. George Santos, the New York Republican infamous for fabricating key parts of his life story, was arrested Wednesday on federal criminal charges ahead of an expected court appearance. Andrew Lieb with Lieb at Law joined LiveNOW from FOX's Zach Horner as word of the arrest broke.