Legal Analysts

Monday, June 12, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Lieb's Follow-Up Interview on Trump's Indictment: Charges, Campaigns, and Courtroom Drama (Part 2)

In a follow-up interview with LiveNOW from Fox, Attorney Andrew Lieb delved deeper into the unprecedented indictment of former President Donald Trump. As the initial shock of the news subsided, Lieb was able to provide a more nuanced analysis of the charges and their potential implications on Trump's future political pursuits.

Breaking Down the Charges:

The charges brought against Trump are severe, ranging from allegations of willful retention of National Defense Information to accusations of making false statements, conspiracy, and concealment. Lieb laid out the possible consequences of these allegations, emphasizing that these charges are substantial and carry potential prison sentences.

Trump's Political and Personal Predicament:

Lieb examined Trump's response to the indictments, characterizing the former President as being caught between his political messaging and his need for self-defense. This, according to Lieb, is indicative of the seriousness of the situation and the weight that these legal proceedings place on Trump.

The Impact on Trump's Campaign Activities:

When asked about the possible disruptions these charges could bring to Trump's campaign activities, Lieb clarified that Trump is currently facing two separate indictments, with a third potentially in the pipeline. These charges could significantly impede Trump's campaign schedule. The power to schedule court appearances rests not with the defendant, but with the judges presiding over the cases. As such, Trump could be held in contempt if he fails to attend court sessions as required.

Looking Forward:

Looking ahead, Lieb expressed his anticipation for the full indictment details, which are to be released via the PACER system. Unfortunately, due to the enormous amount of traffic following the news, the system had temporarily crashed.

Lieb also expressed his keen interest in observing Trump's next steps. Will the former president pivot from his current political maneuvers to focus more heavily on his criminal defense? With the seriousness of the charges he faces, it's a transition Lieb suggests might be necessary.