Legal Analysts

Thursday, June 22, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Shares Key Insights on Hunter Biden Case and Trump's Trial

Political Commentator and Legal Analyst Attorney Andrew Lieb recently shared his analysis and insights on the Hunter Biden case and former President Donald Trump's trial during an exclusive interview on LiveNOW from FOX. 

Hunter Biden Case:

  • Investigation and Charges: The investigation into Hunter Biden's case spanned four to five years before specific charges were brought forward. Charges include felony gun charges and two misdemeanors related to unpaid taxes in 2017-2018. 
  • Cooperation and Plea Deal: Lieb emphasizes the importance of cooperation with prosecutors to achieve a favorable plea deal when facing potential exposure. Cooperation before formal charges are brought can lead to more favorable outcomes.
  • Potential Penalties: Lieb expresses doubt regarding the likelihood of jail time for Hunter Biden. The felony firearm charge is to be addressed through a pretrial diversion program focused on rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. Hunter Biden has already paid back taxes and penalties, reducing the possibility of incarceration by the Judge where the prosecutors are said not to be seeking jail time.

Former President Trump's Trial:

  • Trial Date and Venue: Tentative trial date set for August 14, although delays due to motions and discovery are expected. The trial will take place in Fort Pierce, Florida, a location considered more favorable for Trump compared to Miami. Lieb explains the significance of trial venue and its potential impact on the proceedings.

Congressman George Santos' Case:

  • Judge denies Santos' attempt to keep bond backers' identities sealed. The order mandates unsealing of identities on June 22 at 12 pm, allowing Santos or bond suretors the opportunity to modify the release to incarceration before the disclosure. Lieb questions if Santo's family-member suretors are actually even family members given Santos' track record for the truth.