Legal Analysts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb on Jan 6 Committee, Charges Against Trump

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from FOX to break-down the referrals from the Jan 6 Committee to the DOJ and why he thinks that the country is now ready for a criminal trial against Trump.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

FOX 5 NY: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talks About The January 6 Panel Recommendations and Charges Against Donald Trump

January 6 Panel Recommends Criminal Charges Against Donald Trump. Legal Political Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb on Fox 5 NY.

CBS NY: January 6 Panel Recommends Criminal Charges Against Donald Trump. Analysis W/ Attorney Andrew Lieb

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined CBS NY to explain that the referrals from the Jan 6 Committee can undercut the #DOJ by making any charges seem politically motivated even if they are not.

Attorney Andrew Lieb Offers New CLE for Attorneys: Proving Emotional Distress Damages in a Discrimination Case

Proving Emotional Distress Damages in a Discrimination Case

Discrimination law is top of mind for most attorneys and businesses throughout the country. We all like to discuss the latest news headlines and debate our culture wars to determine who is right and wrong, but in reality, that discussion misses the point. The real question is what is the cost of being wrong. For example, while pecuniary damages (such as back pay and front pay) are known and tangible, have you considered non-pecuniary damages in your case evaluation? In discrimination law, the largest category of damages is emotional distress, which can vary depending on the proof you have and your ability to prove it in court. In this course, Andrew Lieb will teach you how to gather and prove these intangible damages, which will make or break your discrimination case.

Attorneys can register here 

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb on Jan 6 Committee, Charges Against Trump

 Legal Political Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb on LiveNOW from FOX

Monday, December 19, 2022

New York Tenants Have New Tool When Landlords Fail to Fix Unsafe Conditions

Sketchy landlords beware! 

New York's Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law Article 7-C has been added by A3241 to give tenants and municipalities a new tool in their arsenal to address persistent unsafe conditions that are neglected by their landlords. 

Applicable in both residential and commercial mixed use properties, the new law, which is immediately effective, allows for receivership proceedings where a landlord has failed to remedy “conditions dangerous to life, health, or safety.” Basically, this means a court may appoint an independent “receiver” who is empowered to manage and redirect rent deposits towards fixing an issue that a landlord has neglected to sufficiently address.

However, what's interesting is the flip side of the law. It's yet another reminder that tenants should not unilaterally withhold rent or make repairs, outside of their rights in their specific lease, when there are habitability issues at the premises. Instead, they should follow the law and have their rental money deposited with the Court. Doing it otherwise is technically a grounds for eviction. Simple stated, there is a procedure when a landlord doesn't fix property and you, as a tenant, can't decide to just not pay when it's not being fixed. 

This procedure of depositing rent into Court and having a receiver appointed was formerly available only in New York City, but now applies statewide. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Limited Scope Litigation Representation Coming to NYS Today - New Law

Have you ever wanted to hire an attorney for a specific task in litigation and to do the rest of the case by yourself? 

What about to oppose a motion? Or, to draft a complaint? Or, to respond to discovery? Or, to argue in court? 

What about being frustrated when consulting with attorneys who will only take your case on an hourly basis because they will be stuck as your attorney until the end and have no idea how long the litigation will go; wouldn't it be better to only have to pay a flat fee for specific task? 

The day of limited scope appearances in civil litigation has come in New York State.

Today, Governor Hochul signed A04938 into law and it's immediately effective. The bill enacts CPLR 321(d), which is titled "Limited Scope Appearance," and reads as follows:

1. An attorney may appear on behalf of a party in a civil action or proceeding for limited purposes.  Whenever an attorney appears for limited purposes, a notice of limited scope appearance shall be filed in addition to any self-represented appearance that the party may have already filed with the court. The notice of limited scope appearance shall be signed by the attorney entering the limited scope appearance and shall define the purposes for which the attorney is appearing. Upon such filing, and unless otherwise directed by the court, the attorney shall be entitled to appear for the defined purposes.

2. Unless  otherwise directed by the court upon a finding of extraordinary circumstances and for good cause shown, upon completion of the purposes for which the attorney has filed a limited scope appearance, the attorney shall file a notice of completion of limited scope appearance which shall constitute the attorney's withdrawal from the action or proceeding.

Now, CPLR 321(d) is not a license for a free-for-all. Instead, this new law is subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct, which requires your informed consent before a limited scope representation is established, by way of Rule 1.2, Comment 6A, which provides: 

In obtaining consent from the client, the lawyer must adequately disclose the limitations on the scope of the engagement and the matters that will be excluded. In addition, the lawyer must disclose the reasonably foreseeable consequences of the limitation. In making such disclosure, the lawyer should explain that if the lawyer or the client determines during the representation that additional services outside the limited scope specified in the engagement are necessary or advisable to represent the client adequately, then the client may need to retain separate counsel, which could result in delay, additional expense, and complications.

Nonetheless, limited scope representation is expressly permissible under Rule 1.16(c)(11), which permits the termination of representation when it is allowable by "other law." 

As a result, Lieb at Law welcomes you to the age of unbundled legal services in New York State litigation. 

*Attorney Advertising

First Amendment at Risk with Republican Obscenity Bills

The SCREEN Act is a good step in the direction of having the FCC regulate websites. As a parent, we need age verification technology to ensure that children cannot access inappropriate content. That said, restricting pornography from the underaged is not enough. Hopefully, amendments to the Act will go further and restrict other topics like alcohol, drugs, guns, and as every parent will tell you, in-game purchases. If that seems like an overreach based on restricting ambiguous terms, which will give the government way too much unchecked power and not respect individual liberty, then you agree with the Supreme Court, which has historically found that all prior similar acts by Congress were not undertaken in the least restrictive means possible to protect a compelling government interest. Think about it this way, is a minor who is 7 years old the same as one who is 17 and should they have the same restrictions? Also, what does pornography mean anyway? Does it include anatomy pictures or health lessons? In short, this law is tone deaf to reality.

Speaking about what pornography means, Senator Mike Lee also wants to define it in his Interstate Obscenity Definition Act. While this is a great concept because pornography is now nationally available, rather than locally available, it includes terrible execution by the Senator. As any Avenue Q fan can tell you, the internet is for porn. Well, not for Mike Lee if he has his way. The Senator wants almost all pornography to be swept under the rubric of obscenity and therefore, not subject to First Amendment Protections. Whatever happened to fighting for our Constitution? Under our Constitution, as opined by former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, one can only define obscenity by first applying the contemporary community standards of a work, as a whole. Senator Lee appears to believe himself smarter than the learned Justice and his Bill to create a national pornography definition law changes the line between obscenity and protected speech by ignoring the time period that the work is evaluated, a review of it in its entirety, and, most importantly, the use of community standards. Hopefully, the Democratic Senate blocks this Bill from going anywhere fast as restricting speech is always a slippery slope.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

New Same Sex / Race Marriage Law Gives Right to Bring Lawsuits for Victims

The Respect for Marriage Act was just signed into law on December 13, 2022. 

The law provides for marriage rights regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin.

We know that from the news, but what we probably missed is that the law also provides for a private right of action (you can sue) if you are "[a]ny person who is harmed by a violation."

However, in this lawsuit you can only recover declaratory and injunctive relief.

While that's interesting to most, Sister Wives are going to be said to learn that this new law provides "No Federal recognition of polygamous marriages." Sorry Sister Wives. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

FOX LIVE: Judge Dismisses Trump’s Case For a Mar-a-Lago Special Master. Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb

Judge Dismisses Trump’s Case For a Mar-a-Lago Special Master. Legal Political Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb on LiveNOW from FOX.

No Penalty for Claiming Insurance on a Hate Crime under New Law

On December 12, 2022, Governor Hochul enacted A8869B, which protects hate crime victims from insurance rate spikes / cancellations by amending Insurance Law 3114. 

Now, policies must be issued, renewed without increase in premium, and can't be cancelled solely on the basis of claim(s) resulting from hate crimes.  

This law is effective immediately and applies to claims that occurred in the preceding 60 months. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Nursing Employees' Right to Express Breast Milk Remains UNPAID

On December 9, 2022, Governor Hochul signed S4844B, which amends Labor Law 206-c effective June 7, 2023, and thereby modifies the rights of nursing employees to express breast milk at work.

Note that the amendment changes the term "mothers" into an "employees" right to "express breast milk." Cue Anti-Woke Mob. 

Regardless, everyone should note that the right to express breast milk at work remains an unpaid right. 

Setting that aside, the big change in the law is that now employers have an obligation to provide a specific location with specific features for employees to express breast milk. The law states that employees "shall designate a room or other location," that is "in close proximity to the work area," "well lit," "shielded from view," and "free from intrusion from other persons in the workplace or the public." In addition, the room needs to include "a chair, working surface, nearby access to clean running water and, if the workplace is supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet." Moreover, the room can't be a "restroom or toilet stall." Finally, employees should have access to refrigeration. 

This is a big change from the prior law where employer were only required to "make reasonable efforts to provide a room" that was close "to the work area." 

This change is a huge lift for many employers. In that vein, the law does have an undue hardship exception where employers that would experience "significant difficulty or expense" can avoid providing the room to the exact specifications required under the law. Yet, they still must do a lot towards helping "employees" in expressing breast milk.  

Regardless, employers all must notice their staff "as soon as practicable" to designate the room for "breast milk" or their undue hardship alternative. Further, the Department of Labor is going to develop a written policy of rights that is going to be required to be provided to employees upon hire, annually, and upon an employee's return to work following the birth of a child.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

NEWSY: Legal Political Commentator Andrew Lieb Gives Analysis on Election Rules

Legal Political Commentator Andrew Lieb Gives Analysis on Moore v. Harper, The Supreme Court Argument on Election Rules

Major Sexual Assault / Sexual Harassment Law Signed by President Biden

On December 7, 2022, President Biden signed the Speak Out Act into law. 

Now, nondisclosure and nondisparagement contract clauses relating to sexual assault disputes and sexual harassment disputes are unenforceable if they were agreed to before the dispute arises. 

According to the Act, a nondisclosure clause means "a provision in a contract or agreement that requires the parties to the contract or agreement not to disclose or discuss conduct, the existence of a settlement involving conduct, or information covered by the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement" whereas a nondisparagement clause means "a provision in a contract or agreement that requires 1 or more parties to the contract or agreement not to make a negative statement about another party that relates to the contract, agreement, claim, or case."

This is a major law - make not mistake. 

While states like New York go even further than this protection for victims, at CPLR 5003-b and General Obligations Law 5-336, and that increased protection remains enforceable, most states don't protect victims from being preemptively silenced. 

With this increased nationwide protection, hopefully we can solve the horrific statistic that an "estimated 87 to 94 percent of those who experience sexual harassment never file a formal complaint." Victims need to be empowered to stand-up for their rights, not the other way around.

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

PIX 11: Attorney Andrew Lieb Analysis on Trump Organization Being Found Guilty of Tax Fraud

Legal Political Analyst Andrew Lieb Comments on Trump Organization Being Found Guilty of Tax Fraud on PIX 11 News in NY.

CBS: Legal Political Analyst Andrew Lieb Comments on Trump Organization Being Found Guilty of Tax Fraud.

Attorney Andrew Lieb Comments on Trump Organization Being Found Guilty of Tax Fraud on CBS 2 NY.

FOX LIVE: Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Clash Between Religion & Gay Rights. Analysis with Andrew Lieb

Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Clash Between Religion & Gay Rights. Analysis with Legal Political Analyst Andrew Lieb on LiveNOW from FOX.

NEWSY: Supreme Court Hears Case Of Web Designer Who Doesn't Want To Work On Same-Sex Weddings. Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Supreme Court Hears Case Of Web Designer Who Doesn't Want To Work On Same-Sex Weddings. Legal Analysis With Legal Political Analyst Andrew Lieb on Newsy Tonight With Chance Seales.


Tuesday, December 06, 2022

NY Real Estate Course Cultural Competency

In New York all real estate licensees (real estate salespersons, brokers, and associate brokers) must receive 22.5 hours of continuing education every 2 years to stay licensed. Part of the requirement is a 2 hour class on cultural competency. 

Lieb School offers a web-based video (on-demand) class that satisfies the NY continuing education requirement of cultural competency. This course also satisfies the cultural competency requirement to obtain a broker's license. 

To learn more about and register for the Cultural Competency class CLICK HERE. 

For more information on our on-demand real estate continuing education courses and $99 license renewal package CLICK HERE. 

All Lieb School courses are instructed by Attorney Andrew Lieb. 

Monday, December 05, 2022

FOX LIVE: Biden Student Loans, Trump Special Master Review. Legal/Political Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Biden Student Loans, Trump Special Master Review. Legal/Political Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb on LiveNOW From Fox.

NEWSY: Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments For Pres Biden's Debt Relief Plan. Analysis With Andrew Lieb

Supreme Court To Hear Oral Arguments For Pres Biden's Debt Relief Plan. Legal Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb on Morning Rush on Newsy.

Friday, December 02, 2022

FOX LIVE: Oath Keepers Founder Convicted of Sedition In Jan 6 Attack. Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb

 Attorney Andrew Lieb appeared on FOX LIVE for a comprehensive analysis on the oath keepers founder convicted of sedition in Jan 6th attack. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Newsweek: How Kanye West Sexual Harassment Allegations Could Affect Adidas Legally. Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Monday, November 28, 2022

Court - Discrimination Statute of Limitations Friction between NYS Human Rights Law & EEOC Right to Sue

In New York State and under the New York State Human Rights Law, a discrimination lawsuit generally must be commenced within three-years of the wrong complained of for the lawsuit to be timely and actionable. 

However, a federal employment discrimination case must be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 300 days of the wrong for a federal claim, under Title VII, to be actionable. Yet, no federal lawsuit can be filed until the EEOC issues a right to sue letter.

So, what happens when an employee wants to file both a federal and state claim? Specifically, what happens if the right to sue letter isn't issued until after the expiration of the three-year New York State deadline? 

The Appellate Division, First Department, just answered that question in Gabin v Greenwich House, Inc.

The court ruled that NYS Administrative Code section 8-502(d) tolls (a/k/a, freezes) the counting of the three-year period under state law during the period from when a charge is first filed with the EEOC until the right to sue letter is issued.

Court - Attorneys Can Advise Clients to Breach Contracts

People are often shocked to learn that their attorney can and, sometimes, should advise them to breach a contract. This shock is probably because of the known fact that if anyone else advises their client to breach a contract, even if it would be in their best interest, such advice could constitute an actionable wrong by the advising party that would get them sued for tortious interference with a contract.

However, that is not the case for attorneys. 

As the Appellate Division, Second Department, recently reminded us in Asamblea De Iglesias Christianas, Inc. v DeVito

"Absent a showing of fraud or collusion, or of a malicious or tortious act, an attorney is not liable to third parties for purported injuries caused by services performed on behalf of a client or advice offered to that client" (id.; see Doo v Berger, 227 AD2d 435, 436).

This is really important case law because sometimes the exposure (a/k/a, cost) of the breach is less than the cost of honoring the contract and therefore, businesses and individuals alike can be better off by not being bound by their word and a breach might be advisable. So, before you act on a contract that is giving you second thoughts, don't see your best friend, see your attorney.


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden Must Act under Internal Revenue Code 6103(f)(1) to Get Trump's Tax Records

SCOTUS' decision on Trump's taxes going to the Ways and Means Committee is being talked about as problematic because the Republicans will be taking control of the Committee and have no interest in the records. 

However, the law that was before SCOTUS doesn't just authorize the Chairman of Ways and Means to get the records, it also authorizes the Senate Finance Committee Chair to request and be furnished with such records. 

Specifically, Internal Revenue Code 6103(f)(1) reads:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

So, why hasn't Democratic Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden requested the records given that the Democrats will maintain control of the Senate? That's the question. Inaction appears to be yet another example of the Democrats being ineffective at politics given they can easily moot the issue of the Republicans killing the Trump tax record review and report in the House. One can only guess why they don't act and aggressively seize the narrative.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

New Lawful Work Absence Wage & Hour Employment Law

Starting on February 19, 2023, employers are going to be subject to claims of retaliation if they discipline their workers for legally protected absences because Governor Hochul has signed A8092B

Specifically, Labor Law section 215 was amended to make clear that absences protected by federal, local, or state law, which result in discharge or penalty are now subject to a lawsuit that can result in liquidated damages, costs and attorneys' fees.

This new law further clarifies that actionable discipline includes "assessing any demerit, occurrence, any other point, or deductions from an allotted bank of time, which subjects or could subject an employee to disciplinary action, which may include but not be limited to failure to receive a promotion or loss of pay."

New Mortgage Default Law as New York Home Prices Tumble

On November 22, 2022, Governor Hochul signed A3081 into law, which immediately prohibits the registration of mortgages in default prior to the filing of a notice of pendency. This is on the same day that the homepage of Newsday reads "Long Island homebuyers see highest rate of price cuts since 2019." It seems like foreclosures are on everyone's mind this Thanksgiving season. 

The new law can be found at Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law section 1393 and it basically cuts against the trend of local towns and villages enacting laws that require lenders to maintain foreclosed property - for example, here is the one in Smithtown New York. Specifically, it restricts these laws, which are problematic because they often required action on defaulted mortgages that were not yet in suit. Now, this new law requires a notice of pendency to have first been filed in a court before these laws can be effective. Smart.

Regardless, this is the beginning of the new focus on foreclosure trend that will be coming to all of us soon when we all start paying our heating bills.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Court TV (Part 3): Attorney Andrew Lieb Says "Alec Baldwin Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut"

 Attorney Andrew Lieb Says "Alec Baldwin Should Have Kept His Mouth Shut" on Court TV. 

Court TV (Part 2): Alec Baldwin Rust Set Shooting. Legal Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

 Attorney Andrew Lieb appears on Court TV analyzing the Alec Baldwin "Rust" set shooting / lawsuit. 

Court TV (Part 1): Alec Baldwin Blames "Rust" Crew Members in Cross-Complaint. Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

Attorney Andrew Lieb appears on @courttv analyzing Alec Baldwin blaming "Rust" crew members in cross-complaint 

FOX 5: Trump's Ex-CFO Allen Weisselberg Tax Fraud Trial. Legal Analysis With Attorney Andrew Lieb

 Attorney Andrew Lieb appears on FOX 5 to discuss Trump's Ex-CFO Allen Weisselberg Tax Fraud Trial. \

Monday, November 14, 2022

Employers in NY now REQUIRED to Display Veterans' Benefits Poster

Governor Hochul signed A3913B into law on 11/10/2022 and effective January 1, 2023 employers have yet another poster to display. This time it's about veterans. 

The poster is to be created by the Department of Labor in consultation with the Division of Veterans' Services. It will include important items like tax benefits, mental health treatment, workplace training, and legal services.

However, is another poster really the answer? It's getting to the point where offices are just going to have employee rights posters and no art on their walls at all. Why not make these laws as digital requirements?

Regardless, employers better post this poster as soon as it's available if they don't want to get sued for military status discrimination as not posting would be a really bad look in such a lawsuit. Plus, violating Labor Law 201-h can result in civil penalties by the Department of Labor.

Friday, November 11, 2022

PIX 11: 1 Person Hits $2B Powerball Jackpot: What Should They Do Legally? Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

1 Person Hits $2B Powerball Jackpot: What Should They Do Legally? Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb.