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Showing posts with label discrimination law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discrimination law. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

Navigating Real Estate Discrimination - Your FAQs Answered

Real estate discrimination must be fought any time you’re buying, selling, or renting any type of housing or commercial property. Real estate discrimination involves unfair treatment because of your source of income, disability, race, religion, sex, gender, and many other protected classes. Because discrimination in the housing market can be attributed to so many factors, it’s crucial for buyers, sellers, and renters to be familiar with their rights. Learn more about real estate discrimination through our answers to your most frequently asked questions below.

If you are a real estate broker or salesperson charged with discrimination, contact Lieb at Law to learn how we can defend you with our team of real estate discrimination lawyers.

Is real estate discrimination illegal?

Yes. Discrimination in real estate is illegal throughout the United States. In some states, like New York, there are even greater protections, rights, and damages available to victims of housing discrimination. You are entitled to compensation whether you were discriminated against by a seller, landlord, tenant co-op, condo, HOA, lender, real estate broker, salesperson, or property manager.

Does real estate discrimination only apply to housing?

No. Real estate discrimination laws apply to both housing and places of public accommodation. Examples include shopping centers, professional offices, retail stores, recreational facilities, service centers, and educational institutions.

Can I sue for housing discrimination?

Yes. Not only is it possible to sue for real estate discrimination, but Lieb at Law, P.C. has helped countless individuals recover compensatory damages and punitive damages for the emotional distress inflicted by this unlawful act. If you or a loved one were discriminated against because of your protected status or class, it is critical to work with an experienced attorney who will fight to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

What qualifies as discrimination?

Discrimination is classified as unfair treatment to an individual because of their protected status or class. These statuses/classes vary throughout the United States, but may include race, ethnic background, visible traits (hair texture, hairstyle, donning of religious garments or items), color, national origin, citizenship status, alienage status, immigration status, lawful source of income (subsidy recipient status), occupation, religion, creed, marital status, partnership status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression (transgender status), domestic violence victim status, stalking victim status, sex offense victim status, familial status, pregnancy, presence of children, handicap (disability), age, military status, uniformed service, veteran status, first responder status, arrest record, and sealed conviction record.

Can a real estate / housing provider change the terms of a lease or contract based on my protected class?

No. The law prevents real estate / housing providers from changing the terms, conditions, privileges, and/or availability of property based on your protected class status. It requires real estate brokers / salespersons to give you written disclosures that advise you of your rights. It prevents you from being treated differently from others where only the terms of your offer matter, not who you are.

Are handicapped individuals entitled to housing accommodations?

Yes. If you are handicapped or disabled, you are entitled to receive reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications to allow you to equally use and enjoy the property. Your actual diagnosis does not need to be revealed and can remain confidential if you seek an accommodation or modification. In addition, the cost of the accommodation cannot be charged to you. In places like New York City, the cost of modifications cannot be charged to you either.

What are common examples of disability cases concerning housing discrimination?

The most common handicap and disability cases that we see involve service animals or emotional support animals in no pet properties. Other types of cases include parking issues, egress ramps for mobility impairments, and additional failure-to-accommodate cases. When it comes to accommodating the rights of handicapped and disabled individuals, providing access is essential.

Can I be discriminated against based on my source of income?

Whether you receive subsidies, like Section 8 (Housing Choice Vouchers), or are unemployed and receive child support, disability, spousal support, or have a trust fund, your source of income cannot impact your housing choices. The law protects you from offensive signage, improper applications, and/or wrongful questionnaires if they inquire about your employment status, request your W-2, or solicit a letter of employment. Where you get your rent money is your business and yours alone.

Can I be retaliated against if I proceed with a discrimination lawsuit?

Don't be afraid to speak-up. If you are advancing a fair housing and/or anti-discrimination right, you are protected from retaliation. Even if it is ultimately found that you were not discriminated against, you can be compensated for facing unlawful coercion, intimidation, threats, or other types of interference with your anti-discrimination rights. It also applies if you are an ally who is aiding and/or encouraging someone else to exercise their rights to be free from discrimination.

What happens if I win my housing discrimination case?

As the victim, you can recover compensatory damages, punitive damages, and your attorneys’ fees. The perpetrator can lose their license (if applicable), be required to take trainings, be made to pay fines, and be ordered to stop their offensive behavior. Working with a top discrimination attorney affords you the best possible chance at a successful outcome to your case. If you or a loved one has been treated unfairly and is in need of legal assistance, contact Lieb at Law today.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Shedding Light on Pay Disparities: What You Need to Know from EEOC's Latest Data

Today, we bring to your attention the recent release of pivotal data by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This data, encompassing information from 2017 and 2018, provides an insightful glimpse into the state of pay disparities in American workplaces., which is illegal based on the Equal Pay Act. To learn more about the Equal Pay Act, take a CLE from Attorney Andrew Lieb here.

Key EEOC Findings:

The EEOC's data dashboard reveals a troubling reality: pay disparities based on sex and race persist across nearly every industry and state. Here are some crucial highlights:

  • Gender Disparities: The data unequivocally shows that men continue to outearn women, with the median pay band for men consistently higher than that for women. In 2018, this gap was particularly pronounced, with men's median pay band being one or even two bands higher than women's.
  • Racial Disparities: The disparities deepen when considering race and ethnicity. Black or African American women and American Indian or Alaska Native women find themselves in the lowest median pay bands, reflecting a distressing pattern of inequality.
  • Industry and Job Category Trends: Across various industries and job categories, men consistently occupy higher median pay bands compared to women. While some sectors exhibit equal median pay bands, such as Accommodation and Food Services, these instances remain exceptions rather than the norm.
  • Geographical Disparities: Disparities are not confined to specific industries or job categories but are pervasive across different states. For instance, in 2018, Wyoming, Louisiana, and West Virginia exhibited significant differences in median pay bands between men and women.

Implications for Legal Action:

The release of this data underscores the urgency of addressing pay discrimination in the workplace. Here's what you need to know:

  • Equal Pay Act and Title VII: The EEOC enforces both the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibit pay discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, and religion. If you believe that you have experienced pay discrimination, you may have legal grounds to pursue a case and if you live in a State, like New York, you can go back up to 3 years on the state's anti-discrimination law to bring your case.
  • Data as Evidence: The aggregated data provided by the EEOC can serve as compelling evidence in legal proceedings. If you find that your pay is unfairly lower compared to colleagues of a different
    gender or race in similar roles, this data can bolster your case.
  • Consultation: If you suspect pay discrimination in your workplace or have questions about your rights, we encourage you to seek legal consultation. Lieb at Law, P.C. is here to provide guidance and support as you navigate the complexities of employment law.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

New Rule Targets Salary History to Close Gender and Racial Pay Gaps

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has taken a significant step towards addressing gender and racial pay disparities within the Federal workforce with its latest regulation. Effective April 1, 2024, this rule prohibits the use of salary history in setting pay for new civilian employees, a practice that has historically contributed to ongoing pay inequities.

The private sector should take notice because the use of pay history is going to be a driving force in future claims under the Equal Pay Act based upon extrapolations from this regulation. 

Salary history has often been a determining factor in pay decisions, but this approach fails to account for the diverse experiences and qualifications individuals bring to their roles. More critically, it has perpetuated biases, inadvertently anchoring new salaries to previous ones that may have been influenced by discrimination. This cycle has been particularly detrimental to women and people of color, who statistically earn less than their white male counterparts. The gap is even more pronounced for women of color, underscoring the urgency of implementing measures that promote fair compensation.

By mandating that Federal agencies set pay based on merit, qualifications, and the requirements of the position rather than past compensation, the OPM aims to dismantle one of the barriers to achieving pay equity. This rule is a bold move towards creating a more equitable and inclusive Federal workforce, where pay disparities no longer shadow one's career.

For an in-depth understanding of the OPM's final rule and its impact on pay equity, visit the Federal Register: Advancing Pay Equity in Governmentwide Pay Systems.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Navigating Education Discrimination Law - A National CLE Instructed by Attorney Andrew Lieb

Lieb at Law, P.C. has partnered with Law Practice CLE to offer a pivotal Continuing Legal Education (CLE) course, "Education Discrimination: Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools," led by Attorney Andrew Lieb.

The Changing Dynamics of Education Law
Education Law is constantly evolving, with recent Supreme Court rulings significantly affecting the landscape, especially regarding the rights of disabled students. This course is designed to provide legal professionals with a comprehensive understanding of these changes and the skills needed to navigate them effectively.

Insights from the Course
In this 2-hour online session, Andrew Lieb will dissect the nuances of key cases such as Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller and Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools. Participants will learn strategic approaches for handling education discrimination cases, including litigation, due process hearings, and settlement negotiations.

Benefits of the Course
Participants will gain:
  • A deeper understanding of recent developments in Discrimination Law.
  • Practical strategies for managing complex education discrimination cases.
  • Enhanced advocacy skills for representing disabled students in schools.

Who Should Enroll
This CLE course is essential for:
  • Lawyers focusing on Education Law and disability rights.
  • Legal professionals seeking updated knowledge on education law trends.
  • Advocates and educators interested in the legal dimensions of education.
Join Us on 1/31/24 (and available online)

For registration and more information, please visit Law Practice CLE - Education Discrimination: Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools

To schedule a workplace training contact Lieb at Law, P.C.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Lieb at Law Represents Class Action Hearing Impair Tenants in Landmark NYC Disability Discrimination Case

In a significant development in a case that underscores the ongoing challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing suitable housing, Lieb at Law is representing a hearing-impaired tenant in a discrimination lawsuit against the City of New York and other entities. The case, as reported by Law360, highlights crucial issues regarding the responsibilities of property owners and the rights of tenants with disabilities.

Background of the Case

Elewood Torres, the plaintiff, filed a class-action lawsuit in 2022, challenging the failure of his Lower Manhattan apartment building's owners to provide necessary services for tenants with hearing disabilities. Despite the building at 174-184 Forsyth St. being funded to provide accessible housing, critical safety improvements have been lacking.

Key Issues at Stake

The lawsuit points to the absence of essential features such as video cameras in elevators, smoke alarms with strobe lights and bed shakers, and security staff proficient in American Sign Language. These deficiencies not only violate the Americans With Disabilities Act, and the NYS / NYC Human Rights Laws, but also pose a significant risk to the safety and well-being of the residents.

The City's Position and Plaintiff's Response

The city contends that it no longer owns the property and that the ADA does not apply to private residential complexes. However, Torres disputes this claim, highlighting that the ownership of the building reverted to the city due to breaches in the sale agreements. This aspect is crucial in determining the applicability of the ADA and the city's responsibilities.

Lieb at Law's Stance

Representing Torres, Lieb at Law's Associate Attorney, Richard Hermer-Fried, emphasized the gravity of the situation: "To this day, defendants have not provided bed rockers to wake tenants in case of a fire. It's utterly egregious that nothing's been done to protect these individuals." The firm's commitment to advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities is evident in its vigorous pursuit of this case.

What's Next in the Case

With a preliminary injunction requested by Torres to compel the defendants to install the necessary improvements, and the court ordering documentation of such improvements, the case is poised for critical developments. Lieb at Law remains steadfast in its pursuit of justice for Elewood Torres and other similarly situated tenants.

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