Legal Analysts

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

New RE Brokerage CE Requirement - Implicit Bias Training - Lieb School is Ready

Starting on June 19, 2022, real estate licensees in NYS will be required to complete "at least two hours of instruction pertaining to implicit bias awareness and understanding" as part of their 22.5 hours of continuing education to renew their license because of a new law, S538B

According to the law, "'implicit bias' shall mean the attitudes or stereotypes that affect an individual's understanding, actions and decisions in an unconscious manner."

Lieb School is ready and already offers an implicit bias course that counts towards the fair housing and discrimination requirements. To comply with the new law, we are re-submitting this course to count towards the required implicit bias training as well. 

New RE Brokerage CE Requirement - Cultural Competency Training - Lieb School is Ready

Starting on April 20, 2022, real estate licensees in NYS will be required to complete "at least two hours of cultural competency training" as part of their 22.5 hours of continuing education to renew their license because of a new law, S979A

Lieb School is on top of making sure that its students lead the industry, having already drafted curriculum to satisfy this requirement. Our course will educate licensees on the following subtopics:

  1. Right to Social Benefits of Integration
  2. Misunderstanding in Cultural Competency
  3. 4 Elements in Developing Cultural Competency
  4. Friction Between Cultural Sensitivity & Discrimination Law
  5. Cultural Norms, Preferences, & Challenges
  6. Cultural Competence Techniques

While this course is being finalized for licensing, we asked the Bill Sponsor, James Gaughran, for guidance on what he envisioned in the Curriculum by email on 12/15/2021. We await a response.

New NYS / Local Government Fair Housing Enforcement Obligations

As of 12/21/2021, all state agencies administering housing programs or enforcing housing laws and all localities administering housing programs and receiving funds from the state for such activities are now required to affirmatively further fair housing.

What this means is that the state and local governments will actively seek to create more diverse, inclusive communities. They will do this, according to the new law (S1353A), by:

  1. Identifying and overcoming patterns of residential segregation & housing discrimination;
  2. Eradicating racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty;
  3. Reducing disparities in access to opportunities;
  4. Eliminating disproportionate housing needs;
  5. Providing the public reasonable & regular opportunities to comment on fair housing issues & participate in the development & advancement of affirmative fair housing policy; &
  6. Encouraging & maintaining compliance with Article 15 of the Executive law & any other applicable anti-discrimination or fair housing law. 
While this all sounds grand, it's really just aspirational because there are no concrete actions contained in this law, except that an annual report will be available to the public. Only through calling government on the report, will concrete change really happen.

New Real Estate Brokerage Law - Office Manager's Qualification / Supervisory Requirements

If you are an associate real estate broker serving as a real estate brokerage office manager you are now responsible for your associated real estate salespersons' license law violations. Be warned. 

The statute, S2157A, amends Real Property Law section 440(6) and also requires an associate real estate broker to have been active in the real estate industry for two of the four years preceding appointment as an office manager. 

All associate real estate brokers, who manage offices, should quickly become familiar with their company's policies and procedures to the extent of checking whether they comply with Article 12-A and 19 NYCRR 175 for if they don't, you, the manager are now liable. Also, read 19 NYCRR 175.21, which defines your supervisory responsibility to include "regular, frequent and consistent personal guidance, instruction, oversight and superintendence" together with record keeping.

Best of luck. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Vaccine Mandates are Here - OSHA's Emergency Temporary Standard is Upheld - If You Don't Like it, Seek a Variance / Accomodation NOW

On 12/17/2021, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the OSHA vaccine mandate for employers with 100 or more employees

Per OSHA, citations for non-compliance will start on January 10, 2022. These citations are going to be huge with penalties for non-compliance set at:

Type of ViolationPenalty
Posting Requirements
$13,653 per violation
Failure to Abate$13,653 per day beyond the abatement date
Willful or Repeated$136,532 per violation

To remind employers, and according to the Circuit Court, the Emergency Temporary Standard of 11/5/2021 "requires that employees be vaccinated or wear a protective face covering and take weekly tests but allows employers to choose the policy implementing those requirements that is best suited to their workplace." 

If you are questioning why OSHA has the authority to issue this Emergency Temporary Standard, the Circuit Court explained that "OSHA is charged with ensuring worker safety and health 'by developing innovative methods, techniques, and approaches for dealing with occupational safety and health problems.'” Plus, it can make an Emergency Temporary Standard if it determines “that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards,” and (2) that an “emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger.”

If you are still unconvinced and if you are an employer that doesn't want to follow the Emergency Temporary Standard don't just ignore it. Instead, seek a variance from the standard, which is available if you can demonstrate “that the conditions, practices, means, methods, operations, or processes used or proposed to be used by an employer will provide employment and places of employment to his employees which are as safe and healthful as those which would prevail if he complied with the standard.”

If you are an unconvinced employee, seek a reasonable accommodation based upon your sincerely held religious belief or disability.

If you are instead wrongfully relying on the Fifth Circuit's stay of these guidelines, DON'T. The Sixth Circuit is the final word unless the Supreme Court elects to hear the case. The difference between the Circuit Courts' decisions came down to the enabling statute 29 USC 655(c)(1) and OSHA's authority to issue the Emergency Temporary Standard (yes, there were differences about almost everything all the way to the Commerce Clause, but that wasn't the heart of the decisions). Section 655(c)(1) provides that OSHA is required "to issue an emergency standard if necessary to protect workers from a “grave danger” presented by 'exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards.'" Whereas the Fifth Circuit defined the terms in that phrase ("substances or agents," "toxic or physically harmful," and "grave danger,") narrowly, the Sixth Circuit took a broader holistic view. As such, this entire issue isn't about COVID, vaccines, mandates, workers, liberty, or rights. Instead, this all comes down to the rules of statutory interpretation. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Self-Represented Tenants Entering into Stipulations of Settlement Get More Protection

Additional protections in Housing Court are being enforced in order to aid self-represented parties. When opposing parties come to an agreement during a proceeding, they sign a Stipulation of Settlement ("Stipulation"), which is a binding agreement, so it is the judge's responsibility to ensure that the parties understand the Stipulation. 

Bill A3320A relates to stipulations in summary proceedings to recover possession of real property. Moving forward, a stipulation will not be approved by the court unless the court first verifies the following:

  • All parties have been accurately and appropriately named;
  • The authority of the signatory if a named party is not present;
  • The unrepresented party understands he may try the case if he does not agree with the stipulation;
  • An opposing party's attorney did not inappropriately give advice to the unrepresented party;
  • Whether or not the unrepresented party agrees or contests any allegations in the petition or predicate notices;
  • The unrepresented party understands the claims and defenses available to him and what his options may be in light of the claims and defenses, and, that the claims and defenses are adequately addressed in the stipulation;
  • The unrepresented party agrees to the terms in the stipulation;
  • The unrepresented party understands the consequences of either party's non-compliance with the stipulation; and
  • An appropriate rent breakdown is included, if applicable. 

An allocution is the process in which the judge determines if the parties understand the terms of the Stipulation. The amended Bill offers judges a checklist, if you will, that will allow them to efficiently ensure unrepresented parties understand the agreement that they have entered into.

Landlord's attorneys should become well versed in the allocution so that they can ensure that the Court will approve their client's settlements and resolve disputes.  

Landlord Training Classes to be Included in Neighborhood Preservation and Community Renewal Activities

In an effort to improve neighborhood preservation and community renewal, New York will expand their current definition of preservation and renewal to include the administration of landlord training classes. The amended bill covers all municipalities and aims to provide assistance primarily to underserved neighborhoods. Landlords are not required to participate in these classes so they will not be penalized if they choose not to do so. 

The amended bill, A05393, which is awaiting Gov. Hochul's signature, will administer landlord training classes in the definitions of neighborhood preservation activities and community renewal activities. These classes will cover information ranging from building codes to evictions. Preservation and community renewal activities include, but are not limited to, repairs, renovations, and restorations. Ultimately, the goal of the Bill is to preserve underserved neighborhoods and to protect tenants from being unnecessarily bothered and illegally evicted by landlords. 

Landlords are having new laws thrown at them on a regular basis in light of the COVID pandemic. And if you're not tuned in, updates on regulations and new laws can be easily missed or misunderstood. These classes will afford landlords the opportunity to know what's going on in their industry. This Bill could also help landlords reduce legal fees by getting it right the first time around. 

Details have not yet been released regarding where the classes will take place, in what form - virtual or in-person, how often, and how New York will monitor whether or not a landlord has actually completed the training classes. If all goes according to plan, this Bill will be helpful to both landlords and tenants alike. The classes in theory sound like they will be an extremely useful tool for landlords. But, if a landlord is not required to attend the classes, will they actually go to them? 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

NYC Releases New COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements for all Private Sector Workers

NYC released new vaccine requirements, by Order of the Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene, mandating all private sector workers to be vaccinated by December 27th with at least 1 dose of any COVID-19 vaccine. A 2nd dose is required 45 days after a worker shows proof of vaccination for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

The City’s new Order is its strictest yet. Businesses are prevented from allowing unvaccinated workers to enter the workplace. Further, businesses must verify and keep a record of each worker’s proof of vaccination by December 27th. Records may consist of physical copies of worker’s proof of vaccination; a business-created paper or electronic record displaying worker’s name, vaccination status, and date by which they can provide proof of second vaccination; or a daily record verifying that the business checked the worker’s vaccination status before the worker entered the workplace. Businesses should be prepared to make their records available for inspection and need to set their protocol ASAP so that they comply.

The Order includes a path for vaccination exceptions if a worker seeks a reasonable accommodation for medical or religious reasons. If such an accommodation is sought, employers must record the reasonable accommodations, and supporting documentation relevant thereto, for each worker under 1 of the above record keeping options. Moreover, NYC employers must familiarize themselves with the Cooperative Dialogue or they will face failure-to-accommodate lawsuits by the drove. 

Also of note is that proof of vaccination applies to both employees and non-employee workers such as independent contractors.

The mandate does not apply to people who work alone; people who enter a workplace briefly for a limited purpose; and Non-NYC resident performing artists, college or professional athletes, and anyone who accompanies them.

NYC provides a detailed memo explaining how businesses can properly comply with the guidelines.  Businesses are subject to fines of $1,000 for non-compliance, and escalating penalties thereafter if violations persist. NYC provides a link for those who wish to report fake proof of vaccination records in order to maintain compliance.

Americans with Disabilities Act Update: COVID-19 Considered a Disability for Purposes of Employment Discrimination

Thousands of Americans who have contracted COVID-19 may now qualify for disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) passed new ADA guidelines to cover individuals with COVID-19 disabilities.

There are three ways a person can be deemed to have a COVID-19 disability under the ADA.

  1. A person with COVID-19 has an Actual Disability if the person’s medical condition or any of its symptoms is a "physical or mental" impairment that "substantially limits one or more major life activities." An individualized assessment is [required] to determine whether the effects of a person’s COVID-19 substantially limit a major life activity. This will always be a case-by-case determination.
  2. A person who has or had COVID-19 can be an individual with a Record of a Disability if the person has "a history of, or has been misclassified as having, an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, based on an individualized assessment.”
  3. A person is Regarded as an Individual with a Disability if the person is subjected to an adverse action (e.g., being fired, not hired, or harassed) because the person has an impairment, such as COVID-19, or the employer mistakenly believes the person has [COVID-19].”

In some cases, regardless of whether an individual’s initial case of COVID-19, itself, constitutes an actual disability because the case-by-case evaluation does not result in such a determination, that individual’s COVID-19 may end up causing impairments that are themselves disabilities under the ADA.

If you meet either the “actual" or “record of” definition of disability you may be eligible for a reasonable accommodation at the workplace.

It is unlawful for employers to discriminate against employees or applicants based on a COVID-19 disability. Further, it is unlawful for employers to refuse to provide reasonable accommodation for those with COVID-19 disabilities if it does not place an undue hardship on the employer.

If you believe you’ve been the target of COVID-19 Disability Discrimination by an employer then you should seek the counsel of an attorney to determine the extent of your injuries. Your attorney can assist you filing a legal complaint with EEOC. If the employer is found to have acted unlawful according to the ADA, then your attorney can leverage your position so you are awarded compensatory damages, penal damages, penalties, and attorney fees.

Also, don't forget that state and local anti-discrimination laws have lower standards to qualify for protection so even if you don't qualify under the ADA, check your state, county, city, or town / village. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

New Law Calls for Holiday Cheer: Additional Fees on Gift Cards are now Unlawful!

Shoppers and gift givers need not worry about additional fees on Gift Cards/Certificates this holiday season. New York’s new law protects consumers from the predatory business practice of adding fees on gift cards. As mentioned in greater detail on our previous Blog, the law aims to prevent businesses from charging a plethora of additional fees on gift cards. The law further protects consumers from gift card expiration dates of fewer than 9 years, as well as prohibiting declining balances on gift cards over time. In addition, the law allows consumers to redeem remaining balances of $5 or fewer on gift cards.

If businesses are caught in violation of the Law, not only will they end up on Santa’s Naughty List, but businesses may also face court issued injunctions regardless of proof that anyone was injured or damaged because of the violation; and may face court issued fines of not more than $1,000 per violation.

If you purchased or received a gift card with added fees, an expiration date, or a declining balance then the business that issued the gift card may be liable for compensatory damages, punitive damages, penalties, and attorneys’ fees being awarded to the victim. If you believe that you were subjected to this kind of unlawful business practice by a merchant, you should speak to a lawyer and leverage New York General Business Law section 396-i to win your case.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

New York to Criminalize Falsifying Vaccination Records

The New York State Legislature passed Bill S4516C, which criminalizes falsifying COVID-19 vaccination records including cards, and the bill awaits the Governor's signature to become effective, as law, immediately when signed. 

The Bill amends the Penal Law to include vaccination cards as a written instrument. For a false vaccination card to be considered a written instrument the card must include either a government logo or something suggesting it was created by a government entity; it must suggest that the card was provided to a person by a vaccine provider; and must includes a date the person received the vaccine, the type of vaccine, and a lot number.

The Bill also amends the Penal Law to include that when someone intentionally alters, in any manner, or destroys computer material indicating that a person did or did not receive a vaccination against COVID-19, it shall be considered the crime of computer tampering in the third degree.

The penalties for violating this new law are class A misdemeanor for tampering with public records in the second degree; class D felony for tampering with public records in the first degree; class A misdemeanor for offering a false instrument for filing in the second degree; class E felony for offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree; class E felony for issuing a false certificate; and class E felony for computer tampering in the third degree. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

Supreme Court Denies Healthcare Workers' Injunction Request on Vaccinate Mandate

The Supreme Court denied an injunctive request by healthcare workers who were required, by regulation, to be vaccinated over dissents by Justices Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito who said the mandate violated The Free Exercise Clause. 

The basis of the request was that the regulation included exemptions for medical reasons, but not for sincere religious beliefs. According to the 20 workers seeking the injunction, "their religion teaches them to oppose abortion in any form, and because each of the currently available vaccines has depended upon abortion-derived fetal cell lines in its production or testing." 

According to New York State, the reason that no religious exemption existed was because no "sanctioned religious exemption from any organized religion" existed and in fact, religions were "encouraging the opposite." 

Interestingly, the Gorsuch dissent explains that his views on a religious exemption aren't absolute. Instead, he explains that "a State might argue, for example, that it has a compelling interest in achieving herd immunity against certain diseases in a population. It might further contend the most narrowly tailored means to achieve that interest is to restrict vaccine exemptions to a particular number divided in a nondiscriminatory manner between medical and religious objectors. With sufficient evidence to support claims like these, the State might prevail." As such, his main issue is allowing for medical related exemptions and not religious exemptions violates The Free Exercise Clause. 

Regardless, the vaccine mandate may be enforced in the healthcare setting moving forward throughout NYS.  As background, the Second Circuit had previously denied the injunction and also permitted the mandate to be enforced.


New York is Ready to Receive Your Calls on Housing Discrimination

The New York State Legislature passed Bill S3437C that establishes a dedicated phone line for public use to voice complaints of housing discrimination. New York State’s Division of Human Rights will operate the phone line during regular business hours. The phone number will be posted on the Division of Human Rights website.

The Bill amends Human Rights Executive Law The General Powers of the Human Rights Division, Section 295 . It awaits the Governor's signature to become effective, as law, 120 days after it is signed.


Nothing in this Bill prevents you from hiring an attorney to pursue damages resulting from discriminatory conduct. If you believe that you suffered injuries as a result of housing discrimination, you may be entitled to compensatory damages and punitive damages plus, you can have your attorneys' fees paid for by the defendant. 

Details Released for NYS Mask Mandate Including $1,000 Fines for Each Violation.

New York State's Department of Health issued new details for Governor Hochul's statewide mandate requiring face mask/covering at all indoor public places effective December 13, 2021 until January 15, 2022 (State will re-evaluate after this date), for all persons, over age two and able to medically tolerate a face covering/mask, regardless of vaccination status. Indoor public places are any indoor space that is not a private residence. 

The mandate does not apply to indoor public areas that require proof of vaccination as a condition of entry. However, a business cannot "mix and match" i.e. permit individuals who show proof of vaccination to enter mask free while permitting those who do not present proof of vaccination to enter wearing a mask. Either no one is permitted entry that cannot provide proof of vaccination or everyone must wear a mask (whether vaccinated or not).

For example, in a law office where everyone must show proof of vaccination to enter (employees, clients, vendors, etc.) masks are not required.  However, a retail store that does not require proof of vaccination to enter is required to ensure that all individuals present at the store (employees, customers, etc.) wear face coverings regardless of vaccination status.

Per the Department of Health, the following institutions must ensure everyone over the age of two, unless subject to applicable CDC exceptions, is masked (there is no proof of vaccination option): correctional facilities, detention centers, homeless shelters, transportation hubs, schools.

The new requirements are pursuant to New York State administrative rule 10 NYCRR 2.60.  A violation of any of these requirements is subject to a fine of $1,000 for each violation. Businesses should, thus, immediately ensure compliance or face potential crippling fines.

The Beginning of the End for Paper Copy Lease Agreements

It is the beginning of the end of paper copy lease agreements in NYS, at least for rent stabilized tenants. 

Moving forward, rent stabilized tenants are going to be processing their leases electronically because Bill A02679 passed the legislature and is pending Gov. Hochul's signature. This Bill requires that the Division of Housing and Community Renewal ("DHCR") develops regulations allowing electronic leases and signatures to be used for both leases and lease renewals of rent stabilized tenants. 

However, the Bill makes clear that electronic leases are not yet required. As such, those who may not be well-versed in technology, such as the Baby Boomer generation, need not worry about how this could affect their lease execution process as tenants will be able to choose whether or not they want to execute their lease via electronic means or via a traditional paper copy. A tenant will be presented with a form, developed by DHCR, in the top 6 languages that will confirm that the tenant has the choice whether to consent to the use of electronic records and signatures. Therefore, landlords will not be permitted to require their tenants to execute their lease by electronic means.

It is expected that electronic leases are going to become the norm sooner rather than later. They cut down on costs of office supplies, such as printer ink and paper, while provide for improved organization and retrieval. They save time by avoiding face-to-face meetings and can maximize safety in this COVID world. 

Do you think most rent stabilized tenants will choose to have their leases executed electronically? Or, will paper copies stand the test of time in a constantly evolving technology driven world? Seems unlikely. It's my guess that as the Boomer generation dissipates, paper copy leases will as well. 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Be Careful When Adding a Detached Garage or Something Similar to your Hamptons’ Home

 As of October 7th, 2021, the Town of East Hampton made changes to their Zoning Laws that are relevant to constructing an accessory structure.


§ 255-11-20 of the Town of East Hampton Zoning Laws states that accessory buildings, including garages, if detached from the main building, shall be not less than five feet from the main building and/or from any other accessory building, subject to two exceptions.


One exception is that two or more accessory buildings (including open-air appendages such as porches and screened patios) may be approved to be built or remain, without a minimum five-foot separation, so long as the total aggregate square footage of the buildings is less than 600 square feet, and none of the accessory buildings are a pool house, an art studio, or an accessory apartment, unless all three are open air appendages.


The second exception, is that an enclosed hallway, breezeway or other design feature that functionally separates two livable spaces in a single-family dwelling or separates a livable space in a single-family dwelling and a detached garage, does not apply to § 255-11-20, so long as the width of such hallway, breezeway or design feature is equal to or greater than ½ of its length.


An accessory building is a building which is customarily secondary to a main building. Accessory units do not include a building which is designed, equipped, or used for cooking, living or sleeping purposes. A common accessory building is a garage.


So, if you plan on purchasing a house with an accessory building like a detached garage, or even plan on building one at your Hamptons house, you should comply with this law to avoid liability.

Increased Discrimination Training For Real Estate Brokers & Salespersons

Starting on July 1, 2022, Bill (S2132B) will add increased fair housing and discrimination training for Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons. 


  • Requires course content to include:
    1. Legacy of segregation, unequal treatment, and historic lack of access to opportunity in housing;
    2. Unequal access to amenities and resources on the basis of race, disability and other protected characteristics;
    3. Federal, state, and local fair housing laws;
    4. Anti-Bias training.
  • Requires 152 hours of training to obtain a Real Estate Broker license
  • Requires 77 hours of training to become a licensed Real Estate Salesperson
  • Requires approval of faculty to sign a document, under oath, approved by and submitted to the Department of State, attesting to compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements pertaining to the instruction of the established curriculum. There will be penalties for faculty that fail to meet their obligations including suspension and revocation of their instructor certificate.

New RE Brokerage Law: NYS Funding For Fair Housing Testing Efforts

Now there is another initiative by New York State to combat discrimination in real estate.

Effective as of December 21, 2021 a $30 fee has been added for real estate broker / salespersons licenses to cover the costs of the Attorney General to fund fair housing testing throughout NYS. 

Senate Bill S32133A adds a surcharge to the fee paid for issuing or reissuing a real estate broker or salesmen license. 

Owners & Landlords Are No Longer Able to Recover Legal Fees Unless Given Authority by the Court

A new law on landlord's ability to collect legal fees was signed by Gov. Hochul on December 21, 2021 and is effective immediately. The law, S2014, means a lot to owners and landlords in New York. The Bill prohibits owners and landlords from charging lessees any legal fee, surcharge, or other charges for legal services in connection to operating or renting a residential unit, unless the owner/landlord has the legal authority to do so. A lessee is only responsible to pay legal fees if directed by a court order. However, you only get a court order if you go to court and do not resolve issues beforehand. As a result, legal fees for out-of-court negotiations, lease drafting, amendments, and the like are no longer recoverable.

Do you think that owners and landlords will be less likely to resolve disputes without going to court if they can't recover their legal fees? 

It’s no secret that legal work can be costly. So, it is typical for landlord-petitioners to try and recoup the money that they spend retaining an attorney and all of the expenses that come with legal work and legal actions. Aside from legal representation, additional legal fees can include court fees, notary public charges, and administrative charges, to name a few. This bill is aimed at the costs of lease preparation, pre-litigation negotiations, and all the work that landlords need in order to avoid a court case. 

Co-ops are technically landlords to their residents and as a result, all legal fees imposed by the Board for sales, document review, and the like may no longer be recoverable based on this law.  There is no carveout for Co-ops and that needs to be addressed. Perhaps, Governor Hochul should have told the legislature to get it right before she signed the Bill into law.

This is just another obstacle for owners and landlords, which increases the cost of business, and eventually, the rent paid by tenants.

TX Abortion Case Decided by US Supreme Court

To remind you, this is the case that deputized private citizens to enforce the Texas Heartbeat Act (S. B. 8) and rewarded citizens with a $10,000 bounty for their services. 

In its decision, the Supreme Court permitted courts to hear pre-enforcement challenges to test S. B. 8’s compliance with the Federal Constitution rather than forcing those who were subject to it to first violate the law, be prosecuted, and defend themselves before first raising such Constitutional challenges. Had the Supreme Court not so ruled, it was expected that the threat of the law would chill abortions across TX even if the law ultimately was found to violate the US Constitution.  

A pre-enforcement challenge permits anyone who thinks that a law violates the constitution to bring a lawsuit, in court, and have a court rule whether the law is enforceable or should be struck down before that person violates the law. It's like asking for permission for your actions in the face of a law, that exists, but is possibly violative of the US Constitution. 

The Court limited its holding by dismissing the Judge, Clerk, and Attorney General named in the lawsuit. Instead, the Court directed that a pre-enforcement challenge must be brought against executive licensing officials, in state court, or through other unnamed avenues.

Stay tuned, this was just round one of the TX abortion law. 

COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors Stayed by Federal Judge.

The ruling by a Georgia federal judge does not prevent employers or businesses from enforcing vaccine mandates. Rather, the Court issued a nationwide stay of President Biden's Executive Order which required all federal contractors to be fully vaccinated by January 18, 2021.

While the Judge expressed his understanding of the dangers of this public health crisis, he, nevertheless, issued the stay because he believed the Executive Order exceeds the President's authority. The Court further reasoned that the potential harm from enforcing a vaccine mandate on federal contractors (causing many federal contractors to breach their contracts when their employees refuse to get vaccinated) outweighs the harm to public health if the contractors are not vaccinated.

Biden will likely appeal this ruling to end the stay. Do you agree with the Judge's reasoning? Would this Executive Order result in a federal contractor employment crisis? Let us know in the comments below.

We'll be sure to keep you updated as this legal fight continues!

Thursday, December 09, 2021

Lenders May Soon Be Forced to Maintain Vacated Foreclosed Residential Property at the Start of a Foreclosure Action

A bill (S1579A) awaiting Gov. Hochul's signature will amend section 1307 of New York Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law ("RPAPL") & require plaintiffs, lenders, assignees, or mortgage loan servicers in a residential mortgage foreclosure action to maintain vacated foreclosed property at the commencement of a foreclosure action. 

Currently, section 1307 of the RPAPL imposes a similar duty on plaintiffs to maintain vacated foreclosed property after obtaining a judgment of foreclosure and sale through the time ownership of the vacated foreclosed property has been transferred to another party. 

It is not uncommon for residents who fall behind on their mortgage to leave or abandon their homes. As a result, lenders will commence a foreclosure action, but may delay in taking control of the vacated or abandoned property, resulting in unmaintained and deteriorating property. 

As we all know, the foreclosure process in New York State can be quite lengthy and, in many instances, it can take years for a plaintiff or lender to obtain a judgment of foreclosure and sale. 

Requiring plaintiffs or lenders to maintain abandoned or vacated foreclosed property at the start of a foreclosure proceeding ensures that the foreclosed property will not deteriorate due to lack of maintenance and upkeep and will ensure that the future owner of the foreclosed property will have a home that is in adequate, or even pristine condition, at the time of closing. 

On the other hand, plaintiffs and lenders will likely argue that this amendment places an undue burden on them since they now have to maintain a vacated property at the start of a foreclosure action, rather than towards the tail end of it. 

This could cause lenders to either: 

  1. Move quickly in a foreclosure action rather than take their time, or 
  2. Delay or limit foreclosure actions altogether in order to avoid the burden of maintaining a vacant or abandoned residential home at the start of a foreclosure proceeding. 

Regardless, aren't there going to be disputes as to whether a property was abandoned and whether the lender was trespassing? Would you want a lender going into your home, even if they were maintaining it, as obligated? 

Lenders would be wise to seek court orders confirming that property is abandoned and they can enter prior to acting under this bill, if it becomes law. Otherwise, they should expect to be counterclaimed for trespassing as they don't have any legal right to the property until the foreclosure proceeding is concluded. 

Stay tuned to see if Gov. Hochul signs this bill into legislation...

Is there a Connection Between the Back-to-Back News of NYS AG Letitia James Subpoenaing Trump for a Deposition and Her Decision to Stay as AG Instead of Campaigning for Governor?

News dropped on 2 different fronts within the hour about NYS AG Letitia James. 

First, we learned that the AG plans to subpoena Trump for a deposition early next year to question him about whether the Trump Organization manipulated its real estate valuation, as part of NYS' civil fraud investigation.

Then, we learned that the AG would rather stay AG rather than run for Governor.

Are those 2 news events connected?

It sure seems like a strong possibility. 

To get there, you need to understand that attorneys generally have all the evidence that they need before conducting a deposition. The point of a deposition, questioning a witness under oath, is to lock the witness' testimony so that the witness cannot later take an alternative position at trial. We are often misled to believe that a deposition is about uncovering evidence, but that is rarely the point of a deposition. Instead, it is about boxing a witness in so that a trial attorney can direct a show for a jury while pulling the witness' puppet strings to perform just the way that the attorney wants. As a result, no matter how a witness testifies at a deposition, it works for the attorney. If a witness plays dumb at a deposition, and they claim not to remember / recall anything, it is not bad for the deposing attorney's case, it just makes that witness that much easier to manipulate at trial.

Now, to connecting the dots. Why would AG Letitia James suspend her campaign for Governor and announce she wants to stay the NYS AG within the same hour? Perhaps, because she has evidence that will put the former President dead to rights.

Monday, December 06, 2021

Added Fees on Gift Cards is Holiday Peeve! But is the Business Practice Unlawful?

For years, businesses have taken advantage of consumers with predatory fees added to gift cards and gift certificates. But this Holiday Season, extra fees on gift cards will get businesses on Santa’s Naughty List!

The New York State Legislature passed a Bill amending section 396-I of the general business law, which bans businesses from charging additional fees on gift cards. The fees mentioned in the Bill include activation fees, retroactive fees, redemption fees, service fees, dormancy fees, latency fees, administrative fees, handling fees, access fees, periodic fees, renewal fees, re-loading fees, or any fee of any kind for gift cards.

The Bill goes further in its consumer protections.  Businesses are banned from selling gift cards where the balance declines over time or declines for nonuse. And if signed into law, it will be unlawful for businesses to sell gift cards with expiration dates unless it’s a promotional gift certificate that expires nine years after its issued and the expiration date is clearly stated.

Perhaps the most joyous aspect of this holiday-timed Bill is, consumers will be given the ability to redeem for cash value the remaining balance on a gift card if the remaining value is less than five dollars. However, there is an exception if the gift card is an open loop or promotional certificate.

While the holidays may be on our minds, it’s important to note that the Bill covers several types of gift cards that can be used across many types of businesses all year round.

Governor Hochul has until December 8th to sign the Bill into law.  Once signed, the law will come into effect in one year.

If caught in violation of the law, businesses can be held liable for compensatory damages, punitive damages, penalties and attorneys’ fees being awarded to the victim. If you believe that you were subjected to this kind of unlawful business practice by a merchant, your lawyer will be able to determine its involvement during the lawsuit and leverage the business’s non-compliance with the NYS Bill to win your case.

New NYC COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate will Require All Private-Sector Workers to be Vaccinated

New York City Mayor de Blasio announced, through the media, new vaccine mandate requirements for New York City’s five boroughs.  Starting December 27th all private-sector workers will be required to show proof of vaccination. This is the first vaccine mandate in the nation that applies to all private sector workers. Approximately 184,000 businesses will be affected. Mayor de Blasio called the new measures a “preemptive strike” in facing the new challenges associated with the Omicron variant, the colder weather affecting the delta variant, and holiday gatherings.

Additional measures include, requiring children ages 5-11 to show proof of one vaccine dose for indoor dining, fitness, and entertainment and requiring individuals 12 and older to show proof of two vaccine doses unless they received the Johnson & Johnson single vaccine dose. These measures are effective as of December 14th.

Mayor de Blasio called the measures universal in their enforcement and is confident that this expansion to “Key to NYC” Program will overcome any legal challenge.

Mayor de Blasio said the city’s health commissioner has put these new vaccine requirements into place. However, New York City’s Department of Health has not yet published the order detailing the requirements of the new mandate.

Issues involving the enforcement of these private-sector vaccine mandates will likely be something mayor-elect Eric Adams will have to deal with next year.

Second Circuit Holds that Requiring Teachers to Submit a Letter from a Religious Leader in Support of a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation is Unconstitutional

The 15 public school teachers who challenged New York City’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate live to fight another day in court.

The teachers have refused to comply with the City’s mandate arguing that compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is a violation of their religious rights under the First Amendment’s free exercise clause.

The Court determined that the reasonable accommodation standards in the City's vaccine mandate was unconstitutional as applied to the 15 teachers because the mandate required employees who requested a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate to submit a letter from a religious leader confirming the validity of the employee's religious beliefs. If the religious leader had well-documented public comments in support of taking the vaccine, the request for exemptions would be denied.

The Court reasoned as follows:

Denying an individual a religious accommodation based on someone else's publicly expressed religious views-even the leader of her faith-runs afoul of the Supreme Court's teaching that "[i]t is not within the judicial ken to question the centrality of particular beliefs or practices to a faith, or the validity of particular litigants' interpretations of those creeds."

However, the Court declined to extend protections against the mandate to all teachers stating that the mandate itself was "a reasonable exercise of the state's power to act to protect the public health."

Based on this decision, employers should only consider the employee's specific religious beliefs (in determining whether they are "sincerely held") when processing a reasonable accommodation request. Someone else's belief  - even if it is a religious leader - is irrelevant. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Decides if You're Hired! Is It Discriminatory?

Wonder why you were denied the last job or promotion you applied for? 

Wonder no more, because there is a good chance that it wasn't a human's decision. In fact, Artificial Intelligence "AI" has become the judge on who is hired or who is promoted for most employers and employment agencies. However, AI isn't perfect and may be infringing on your anti-discrimination rights if it's not properly programmed and regularly audited. 

That is why AI or Automated Employment Decision Tool "AEDT" has been the target of much scrutiny. Experts point out that AEDT are prone to bias in their hiring and promotion process. Biases include racial, sexual, and ethnic discrimination, amongst so many other protected categories. This problem has become so worrisome that New York City is putting in place an amendment to the New York City Administrative Code to curb the use of AI in hiring. 

Such amendment was approved by the New York City Counsel on November 10th, 2021. It can be read here.  The purpose of the Bill is to require employers and employment agencies to assess employees and candidates without the use of machine learned biases. The effects of such machine learned biases are discriminatory in nature.

Now, the Bill is on the Mayor's desk and goes into effect on January 1, 2023.

The Bill is limited to regulating AI decisions that screen candidates for employment or screen employees for promotion. This limitation is not without exception. An AEDT is allowed if the tool has undergone an independent bias audit no more than one year prior to it use. The audit's summary then must become publicly available on the employers' or employment agencies' website.

But how will you know if the employer or employment agency is using AEDT on you? The law enforces notification guidelines that will inform employees and candidates of its use.

If caught in violation of the law, employers and employment agencies face fines of up to $500 for the 1st violation, and fines between $500 to $1,500 for each subsequent violation. Plus, they may be exposed to a discrimination lawsuit with compensatory damages, punitive damages, penalties and attorneys' fees being awarded to the victim. If you believe that you were discriminated against by an AI / AEDT, your lawyer will be able to determine it's involvement during the lawsuit and leverage the company's non-compliance with the NYC Bill to win your case. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Real Estate Brokerage - 11/18/2021 NYS Board of Real Estate meeting summary

On November 18, 2021, the NYS Board of Real Estate continued its mission of optimizing the regulation of real estate brokers in our state by holding its meeting. 

To remind real estate brokers and salespersons, the public is welcome at these meetings where the public can bring comments from the floor. Its encouraged that Lieb School students attend these meetings to have your voices heard.

"[T]he Board has general authority to promulgate rules and regulations affecting real estate brokers and salespersons in order to administer and effectuate the purposes of Article 12-A of the Real Property Law."

A complete video of the meeting is available on youtube.

In summary, the following was discussed:

  • Exam Results - January through September 2021:
    • Salesperson = 20,046 applicants with a pass rate of 54%
    • Broker = 1,477 applicants with a pass rate of 57%Order U
  • License Enforcement - July through November 2021:
    • Complaints = 273
    • Investigations Completed = 188
    • Closed (no violations) = 26
    • Closed (warning / instruction letter) = 31
    • Closed (private resolution) = 7
    • Closed (abandoned) = 16
    • Closed (duplicate) = 9
    • Closed (insufficient evidence) = 51
    • Closed (civil matter jurisdiction) = 7
    • Hold (licensee action required prior to renewal) = 13
    • Referred for Disciplinary Prosecution - 28
  • Live distance education is still permitted 
The 2022 meetings are February 17th (1pm); July 21st (1pm); and November 17th (1pm). 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Lieb School - Condo Course HANDOUT

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Attention NY Businesses - Emergency Regulation Issued to Implement NY HERO Act's Exposure Prevention Standard

As you may recall, on May 5, 2021, the NY HERO Act was signed into law in order to protect employees against exposure and disease during a future airborne infectious disease outbreak. The HERO Act requires employers to take certain measures to protect their employees in the event of future airborne infectious disease outbreaks, which includes requiring employers to have an exposure prevention plan in place in the event of a future outbreak.

As previously reported on this Blog, regulation 12 NYCRR 840.1 entitled "Airborne Infections Disease Exposure Prevention Standard" was proposed over the summer to assist employers in adopting an exposure prevention plan. 

Although 12 NYCRR 840.1 has not yet been approved, the New York State Dept. of Labor has enacted an emergency regulation so that 12 NYCRR 840.1 can be immediately adopted. 

Regardless of whether or not 12 NYCRR 840.1 is ultimately approved, employers should still have an exposure prevention plan in place. However, to err on the side of caution and to avoid a whirlwind of possible future lawsuits, employers should comply with the requirements set forth 2 NYCRR 840.1, especially in light of the Dept. of Labor's recent actions in proposing an emergency regulation to adopt 12 NYCRR 840.1.

Clearly, the Dept. of Labor is gravely concerned about the possibility of future airborne infectious disease outbreaks and their patience is running thin.

If you agree or disagree with the Dept. of Labor's emergency regulation, you can make your voice heard by emailing Michael Paglialonga, Dept. of Labor, at, by December 31, 2021. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Foreclosure Protection Enhanced by Federal Regulators

On November 10, 2021, Federal Regulators issued a statement that lenders will no longer be afforded leniency with complying with mandatory mortgage servicing practices.


As background, Federal Regulators had previously issued an April 2020 Joint Statement, in response to COVID, that they would not take supervisory or enforcement action against mortgage servicers for failing to meet certain borrower-protective timing requirements so long as the servicers made good faith efforts to provide those required notices or disclosures and took the related actions within a reasonable period.


Now, as of November 10, 2021, Agencies will apply their respective supervisory and enforcement authorities, to address noncompliance or violations of Regulation X’s mortgage servicing rules.


Borrowers, who are looking for leverage in negotiating mortgage modifications, short sales, and deed-in-lieu workouts should be brushing up on Regulation X today.


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Utility Customers Now Protected from Harassment on Unpaid Balances

With the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums coming to an end in January 2022, New Yorkers are about to feel pinched in their housing costs, which may turn into utility billing issues.


New Yorkers just received increased rights and beginning on December 8, 2021, utility companies are prohibited from engaging in harassment, oppression, or other abuses towards residential customers in connection with deferred payment agreements and the collection of unpaid balances.


Bill A3359 was signed by Governor Hochul on November 8, 2021 and amends §53-a of the Public Service Law.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It's Official, Unlawful Debt Collection Practices Will Not Be Tolerated!

As you may recall, a proposed bill (A2382) was submitted to Gov. Hochul last month, seeking to amend the CPLR & Judiciary Law concerning predatory debt collection practices & consumer actions, as discussed in our blog here.

On November 8, 2021, Gov. Hochul signed bill A2382 into law. 

"When bad actors try and take advantage of consumers, New York will fight back. I'm proud to be signing legislation that will protect New Yorkers from unscrupulous practices by debt collectors and utility companies."  -Gov. Hochul. 

This is huge news considering the new legislation will undoubtedly protect debtors from abusive debt collection practices. 

How big of an impact will this new legislation have on overall debt collection practices in New York? 

Stay tuned....

Foreclosure Alert - Lenders Required to Provide Single Point of Contact to Borrowers

Starting January 2, 2022, borrowers negotiating a loan modification have a right to a single point of contact at their lender.

On November 3, 2021, Governor Hochul signed BillS671 into law, which amends Section 6-o to the banking law, and starting on January 3, 2022, upon written request by the borrower, lenders will be required to provide borrowers with a single point of contact who must provide accurate account and other information related to the foreclosure process and loss mitigation efforts.

This is huge because many mortgage modifications are functionally blocked by a lack of access to lenders rather than based upon qualification criteria. As the foreclosure moratorium is coming to an end on January 15, 2022 and a wave of foreclosures are about to hit New York State, this is a needed law for borrowers, and their attorneys, to settle cases.