Legal Analysts

Showing posts with label labor law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label labor law. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

SCOTUS Makes It Harder for Workers to Recover Wages

On January 15, 2025, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in E.M.D. Sales, Inc. v. Carrera that employers only need to prove that employees are exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA") by a "preponderance of the evidence" (more likely than not) to defeat a wage and hour claim. This decision replaces the tougher "clear and convincing" standard that had been applied by some courts prior to this decision.

The FLSA requires an employer to pay overtime to employees unless the employer can prove that the employees fall under an exemption, such as being an Executive, Administrative, Professional, Computer & Outside Sales Employees.

In the case before SCOTUS, the employees claimed that they were misclassified as outside salesmen and sued their employer for overtime pay, liquidated damages (double damages), and attorneys' fees. 

The lower court sided with the employees, in using the tougher "clear and convincing" standard, but the employer appealed while arguing that it only had to prove that the exemption applied by a preponderance of the evidence. SCOTUS agreed with the employer and sent the case back to the lower court to reexamine the facts to determine the applicability of the exemption under the preponderance of the evidence standard. 

Regardless, the message is clear: Employers now have a lower hurdle when defending a wage and hour case in proving that an exemption applies to a wage and hour claim under the FLSA. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

New Rule Targets Salary History to Close Gender and Racial Pay Gaps

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has taken a significant step towards addressing gender and racial pay disparities within the Federal workforce with its latest regulation. Effective April 1, 2024, this rule prohibits the use of salary history in setting pay for new civilian employees, a practice that has historically contributed to ongoing pay inequities.

The private sector should take notice because the use of pay history is going to be a driving force in future claims under the Equal Pay Act based upon extrapolations from this regulation. 

Salary history has often been a determining factor in pay decisions, but this approach fails to account for the diverse experiences and qualifications individuals bring to their roles. More critically, it has perpetuated biases, inadvertently anchoring new salaries to previous ones that may have been influenced by discrimination. This cycle has been particularly detrimental to women and people of color, who statistically earn less than their white male counterparts. The gap is even more pronounced for women of color, underscoring the urgency of implementing measures that promote fair compensation.

By mandating that Federal agencies set pay based on merit, qualifications, and the requirements of the position rather than past compensation, the OPM aims to dismantle one of the barriers to achieving pay equity. This rule is a bold move towards creating a more equitable and inclusive Federal workforce, where pay disparities no longer shadow one's career.

For an in-depth understanding of the OPM's final rule and its impact on pay equity, visit the Federal Register: Advancing Pay Equity in Governmentwide Pay Systems.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

No More Non-Competes VETOED

On December 22, 2023 Governor Hochul vetoed Bill A01278. This bill would have fundamentally altered New York State's Labor Law by prohibiting non-compete agreements and additional restrictive covenants in labor and employment contracts.

This bill would have addressed the usage of non-compete agreements in employment contracts. It defined critical terms and highlighted that employers, their representatives, or officers of corporations could not solicit, demand, or accept a non-compete agreement from a covered individual. However, it didn't prohibit employers from entering into agreements that protected trade secrets, client information, or client solicitation. 

The justification behind this legislation was grounded in the adverse impact of non-compete agreements on New York's labor market and economy. These agreements purportedly curtailed workers’ mobility, limiting their ability to explore better employment opportunities and potentially stifling competitive wages and benefits.

The federal government has shown interest in a nationwide ban on non-compete agreements. New York could have lead the charge in fostering a more open and competitive labor market by codifying this ban into state law. 

Now, non-competes live on and companies hiring those with non-competes should be worried about tortious interference with a contract claims being levied against them. 

To learn more about Bill A01278, click here. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Statewide 'Freelance Isn't Free Act' Enacted - Real Estate Brokers, Pay Attention

On November 22, 2023 Governor Hochul signed Bill A06040 into law thereby creating Labor Law 191-d, the "freelance isn't free act." 

This law will replicate, in large part, the labor rights of freelance workers in NYC throughout state. The Governor's statement on the Bill can be found here

This new law defines which Freelance Workers are protected and then requires that Hiring Parties provide timely payments, a right to a written contract with specific terms, a private right action for violations, a right to no retaliation, a public awareness outreach campaign, a reporting requirement and more. In lawsuits buy Freelance Workers, freelancers who are denied rights can claim liquidated damages plus attorneys fees. 

NYS DOL will provide model contracts as well as a non-judicial, administrative process for resolving disputes between Hiring Parties and Freelance Workers.

The goal of this new law is to ensure that all laborers get the right to fair and timely pay. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Employers to be Required to Learn Technology in NYS

The NYS Senate joined the Assembly in passing a new law, A7595, that will require copies of certain documents physically posted in a workplace to be made available to employees electronically, if signed by the Governor. 

While not yet signed into law, employers need to get to work on compliance now because the law will take effect immediately upon signing.

There are a litany of topics that are applicable under this proposed law where the specifics of what is applicable to a given employer is all dependent on what specific copies or abstracts that the employer has received from the Commissioner of Labor. Possible topics include workplace safety, sexual harassment, leave issues, employee monitoring, and the like.

However, the key issue is that the vast amount of NYS employers do not work in a technological world. How are they to give electronic notice if they don't use email to communicate with their employees?

It's noted that a violation of the Labor Law is $1,000 for a the first offense, $2,000 for a second, and $3,000 for the third and subsequent offenses. This seems to imply that it's time for employers to take computer classes.