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Showing posts with label Real Estate Commissions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Real Estate Commissions. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2024

New Rules of Real Estate Commissions: Essential Updates After the NAR Sitzer Case

The real estate industry is undergoing seismic changes, and the recent NAR Sitzer lawsuit has turned the world of real estate commissions on its head. Whether you’re a broker, an agent, or someone looking to buy or sell a home, understanding these changes is crucial to navigating the new landscape. 

The Landmark Sitzer Settlement: What Happened?

The NAR Sitzer lawsuit has fundamentally altered how real estate commissions are structured and negotiated. In essence, the lawsuit challenged the traditional cooperative compensation rule that caused sellers to pay commissions to both their own broker and the buyer’s broker through required fee sharing. This practice was deemed anti-competitive by a court, leading to a massive settlement and a shift in the industry.

What Does This Mean For Brokers and Agents:

The traditional model of commission splitting is no longer guaranteed. Brokers must now negotiate their compensation separately from the other side of the transaction. This change means that you need to be more strategic in how you structure your agreements and ensure that your clients understand the value you bring to the table.

What Does This Mean For Homebuyers and Sellers:

You might see a change in how you pay for brokerage services. Buyers may now be responsible for paying their broker directly, which could impact your overall budget. However, this also opens up more transparent negotiations, potentially leading to more competitive commission rates. Most importantly, buyers will receive Buyer Brokerage Agreements before touring homes that set forth how much their broker is going to be paid. 

Navigating the New Rules:

With these changes, staying informed and adaptable is key. Brokers need to understand the new legal requirements and adjust their practices accordingly. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Contractual Obligations: Understanding the nuances of buyer brokerage agreements is more important than ever. Ensure that your contracts are clear and that both parties understand their responsibilities.
  • Negotiation Strategies: With the industry moving away from the traditional cooperative compensation rule, it’s essential to develop new strategies for negotiating commissions and concessions. This is where your expertise as a broker can really shine.

Dive Deeper with The Lieb Cast Podcast:

For an in-depth breakdown of these changes and how they will impact your business, don’t miss our latest episodes of The Lieb Cast:

Broker Continue Education:

To stay ahead of the curve, we highly recommend enrolling in our Compensation Post-NAR Sitzer Lawsuit: This 2.5 credit CE course satisfies the recent legal matters topical requirement for NY real estate salespersons and brokers.

In this on-demand video course, Attorney Andrew Lieb will guide you through:

  • The details of the Sitzer case and its implications for real estate commissions.
  • Changes to the NAR Cooperative Compensation Rule.
  • Best practices for structuring your client relationships and transactions within the new legal framework.

This Continuing Education course is an essential resource for any real estate professional serious about understanding and profiting from the post-Sitzer commission landscape.

Stay informed, stay compliant, and stay competitive with Lieb School and The Lieb Cast!

Contact lead counsel of a real estate brokerage class action, anti-trust, and anticompetitive practices suit. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Commission Rates in Real Estate Brokerage are Discretionary to the Broker and Property Owner

A Lieb School student recently took a final exam for our Conflicts of Interest ONLINE course and explained how commission rates are set by the Department of State.

They are NOT.

In fact, the Department of State says the following about commission rates:

Commission Rates

The commission or compensation of a real estate broker is not regulated by statute or regulation, therefore the amount and terms are negotiable. A real estate broker shall never offer a property for sale or lease without the authorization of the owner. Therefore, prior to the listing or marketing of a client’s real property, it is incumbent upon the real estate broker and the client to mutually agree on a reasonable rate of compensation. 

As a result, real estate salespersons and property owners should carefully negotiate commission rates where they also set the consideration that the real estate brokerage will provide to the property owner in exchange for higher or lower rates. To illustrate, a real estate brokerage that is willing to create a video about the property should be able to demand a higher rate than a real estate brokerage who will not create any digital advertising. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fortune Attacks Real Estate Brokers – Do You Agree?

Yesterday, Chris Matthews’ article “Real estate agents may be colluding to rip you off” was published by Fortune while citing to a paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research and authored by Panle Jia Barwick, Parag A. Pathak, and Maisy Wong.

The article claims that “brokers who charge lower commissions are punished in the marketplace” and that sellers are “uniquely incapable to gauge the quality of what they’re buying”.
According to the authors of the cited article, Conflicts of Interest and the Realtor Commission Puzzle,
“[t]hese adverse outcomes reflect decreased willingness of buyers' agents to intermediate low commission properties (steering) rather than heterogeneous seller preferences or reduced effort of listing agents.”
So, in English, it’s not that seller’s agents’ efforts are adversely affected by lower commissions, but instead, that buyer’s agents, who are generally compensated by seller’s agents, are less likely to bring buyers to properties where they are offered a lower percentage for procuring.

As an industry, we need to make sellers capable of gauging the quality of what they’re buying; to make informed decisions as to commission payments.

To accomplish this, brokers need to explain to sellers that they offer a split of their commission to other brokerage companies in the area (i.e., cooperative brokerage) in order to induce such other brokers to act as buyer’s agents and/or broker’s agents in procuring their purchaser to buy the property (i.e., this practice increases demand and consequently the price for real estate).
Seller’s agents need to explain that buyer’s agents and/or broker’s agents are money driven and will steer their buyers to the properties where they are compensated at a higher level (as stated in the study).

Consequently, the amount of the commission that is to be paid to the cooperating brokers must be discussed when a seller’s agent initially takes the listing and such percentage should be included within the brokerage contract (i.e., exclusive right to sell agreement).

In Long Island, the local REALTOR© Board, LIBOR, permits the seller’s agent to control the commission percentage offered to cooperating brokers in each individual deal.
To illustrate, if a seller is paying a broker 6% one cannot deduce that the cooperating broker, who procures, will always get 3% for their efforts. Instead, the cooperating broker will get whatever percentage that is listed on the cooperating brokerage listing (i.e., Stratus) agreement by the seller’s agent (each region in New York has a different cooperating brokerage agreement and therefore this blog’s suggestion does not hold true everywhere).

As a result, sellers need to be educated that they have 5 points of negotiating commissions when hiring their real estate agent, as follows:
  1. The commission percentage to pay the seller’s agent for merely listing the property and negotiating for the seller;
  2. The commission percentage to pay the seller’s agent if such agent individually lists and procures the purchaser (i.e., direct deal);
  3. The commission percentage to pay the seller’s agent if such agent lists, and the commission percentage to pay a colleague within the same brokerage if such colleague procures the buyer  (i.e., in-house deal; this will be one total commission number for both the listing and procuring because the brokerage and not the salespersons is paid the commission);
  4. The commission percentage to pay the cooperating broker where the seller’s agent lists only, but another brokerage procures the buyer while such cooperating broker is negotiating for the interests of the seller (i.e., broker’s agent);
  5. The commission percentage to pay the cooperating broker where the seller’s agent lists only, but another brokerage procures the buyer while such cooperating broker is negotiating for the interests of the buyer (i.e., buyer’s agent)

The article’s title attacks an industry (“colluding to rip you off”). Yet, this blogger theorizes that sellers care more about themselves and getting the job done (i.e., selling) than fixing an industry. Without commenting as to whether the authors have a point about collusion, its submitted that simply having our brokerage industry inform and educate our buyers of the statistical effects of their commission offerings will make meaningful change. Let’s give our clients the tools to make smart choices. Let’s educate the vulnerable consumers that we serve. It’s the job of a seller’s agent to explain to their seller the 5 points of negotiating commissions.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Broker Entitled to Implied Commission even without Agreement

The Appellate Court recently decided Harris v. Clancy, a case where the Court ruled that a seller had the burden to prove that a broker had "agreed to forgo a commission" or the Court stated that one would be implied by the Court regardless of the nonexistence of a brokerage agreement.

The Court found support in precedent that held "[a]bsent an agreement not to pay a commission, where a broker has performed as a broker and the seller has accepted the broker's services, an agreement to pay a commission will be implied even in the absence of an agreement regarding a commission ..., and the court will be charged with determining the amount of the commission".

So brokers, while you should always have a brokerage agreement with your client or co-broker to prove how much you are owed, its really your client or co-broker who benefits the most from the agreement, not you. Remember this case the next time that your client or co-broker resists signing your brokerage agreement; then, you may want to share this case with them and say that you are only asking them to sign your agreement to help them out.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

The Plight of the Broker

Many look with envy at the good fortune of the broker, who reaps a large pot from simply introducing the parties to the deal, but to those who do not live in his shoes, think this:

"[A] broker is never entitled to commissions for unsuccessful efforts.

The risk of failure is wholly his.

The reward comes only with his success.

That is the plain contract and contemplation of the parties.

The broker may devote his time and labor, and expend his money with ever so much of devotion to the interests of his employer, and yet if he fails, if without effecting an agreement or accomplishing a bargain, he abandons the effort, or his authority is fairly and in good faith terminated, he gains no right to commissions.

He loses the labor and effort which was staked upon success.

And in such event it matters not that after his failure, and the termination of his agency, what he has done proves of use and benefit to the principal.

In a multitude of cases that must necessarily result.

He may have introduced to each other parties who otherwise would have never met; he may have created impressions which, under later and more favorable circumstances, naturally lead to and materially assist in the consummation of a sale; he may have planted the very seeds from which others reap the harvest; but all that gives him no claim.

It was part of his risk that failing himself, not successful in fulfilling his obligation, others might be left to some extent to avail themselves of the fruit of his labors."

This is the life of a broker as articulated by NY's Highest Court in the case of Sibbald v. Bethlehem Iron Co. in 1881, which remains true to this day. A broker deserves everything he gets as he must live in an all or nothing world. Here is to the broker who makes the deals happen!