Legal Analysts

Showing posts with label #attorneyandrewlieb #medialegalanalyst #litigationattorney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #attorneyandrewlieb #medialegalanalyst #litigationattorney. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Discusses Kai Cenat Case and Social Media Responsibility

Attorney Andrew Lieb provides insight into the arraignment of Twitch streamer Kai Cenat, who faces charges for inciting a riot after a large crowd gathered for a PlayStation giveaway. Lieb explains what to expect from the legal process and notes that intent is not required for one of the charges. He emphasizes the importance of understanding applicable laws, obtaining proper permits, and having security when hosting large public events. Lieb also comments on the "two-tiered justice system" and how wealth can impact legal representation. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Scripps News: Attorney Andrew Lieb Breaking Down GA Election Interference Indictment

Attorney Andrew Lieb joins Scripps News to analyze the biggest legal threat facing former President Trump in the Georgia election interference indictment. Lieb discusses how the RICO charges allow prosecutors to present a cohesive narrative to the jury, showing the defendants had an overall purpose to overturn the election results. He also explains how the inclusion of the word "fraud" in the indictment demonstrates this went beyond just words or politics, involving real forged documents and impersonation, making it difficult for the defense to claim this was just a protest with First Amendment protections.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Scripps News: Trump GA Indictment, Analysis with Andrew Lieb - Part 4

In a discussion with Scripps News, Attorney Andrew Lieb delved into the specific allegations against the primary defendants in the Georgia Indictments. Lieb highlighted the intricate nature of the trial, stemming from the significant number of 19 co-defendants. Each defendant's right to a comprehensive defense in court will further complicate the proceedings. The process of selecting an unbiased jury for such a high-profile case could extend over several months. Lieb anticipates this case to be a benchmark in legal prosecutions.

Scripps News: Trump GA Indictment, Analysis with Andrew Lieb - Part 2

Attorney Andrew Lieb joins Scripps News to discuss our unusual visibility into the indictment process against former President Trump in Georgia. Lieb notes that seeing interactions between the judge and reporters is unusual compared to typical court proceedings in New York. He says this trial could become one of the most "living room" high profile trials since OJ Simpson. Lieb also comments that while Trump's team is attacking the prosecutors, the evidence and facts of the case will be publicly visible, so they can only spin it so much. He says Trump's team needs to hope the evidence works in their favor.

Scripps News: Trump GA Indictment, Analysis with Andrew Lieb - Part 1

In an interview with Scripps News, Attorney Andrew Lieb emphasized the importance of allowing the judicial process to unfold without political interference. He clarified that it is the Grand Jury, a group representing a community's cross-section, that decides on indictments based on presented evidence, not the prosecutors. He stressed the foundational legal principle of "innocent until proven guilty" and argued that claims suggesting violations of free speech in the context of this indictment are not valid legal arguments and would be considered "laughable" in court. Lieb also mentioned that the First Amendment has its boundaries, particularly when it comes to conspiracies or ordering crimes. Furthermore, he noted that arguments based on legal advice might be undermined if the advising lawyers are unindicted co-conspirators or co-defendants.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Trump Georgia Indictment: What You Need to Know - Analysis with Attorney Andrew Lieb

The Georgia indictment against former President Donald Trump, and his allies, has major implications. Here are the key takeaways from legal analyst Andrew Lieb's breakdown of the case in a recent interview on LiveNOW from FOX.

The indictment alleges a "criminal organization" involving Trump and 18 others related to election interference in Georgia. It includes 19 counts and 98 pages detailing Trump's attempts to overturn the election results in the state. The indictment claims Trump solicited state officials and legislators to change the election outcome.

If convicted, Trump and the others face a minimum sentence of 5 years in prison under Georgia's racketeering statute. Lieb said many of the defendants may turn on each other to avoid jail time.

The case has the potential to restore faith in the justice system because the Georgia court will allow cameras, giving the public a firsthand view of the proceedings. This will be different from other cases against Trump that do not allow cameras.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Newsmax: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talking About Georgia Prosecutors About To File Charges Against Donald Trump.

Attorney Andrew Lieb recently joined Newsmax for Breaking News where he delved into the possible Trump indictment in Georgia, as suggested by certain court filings. 

Lieb highlighted the need for prudence, wherein he stated, "Until we have the full facts from the indictment, jumping to conclusions is premature. Every charge deserves a thorough review before passing judgment."

The potential use of RICO statutes, or Georgia's anti-racketeering law, is under debate. Andrew stressed the fact that details, such as who exactly is indicted or whether RICO was even invoked, are still unclear. He advocates for a wait-and-see approach.

Additionally, Andrew illuminated the distinct reactions to the indictment from legal and political perspectives. Legally speaking, it's crucial to present just the necessary information to prevent a dismissal, but politically a robust speaking indictment would be far better.

Friday, August 11, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb on Trump Protection Order

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from FOX to analyze Donald Trump's Protection Order.

Today, Trump's legal team fought prosecutors over the scope of a protective order in the January 6 conspiracy case against the former president. A protective order limits what Trump can publicly disclose about evidence and discovery in the case. But Trump argues it restricts his free speech rights as a presidential candidate. The judge will ultimately decide the scope of the order and how strictly Trump must follow it. Violating a protective order can lead to sanctions, fines and even jail time. But handling a case involving a former president and political candidate presents unique challenges. Attorney Lieb believes the judge will show little tolerance if Trump violates it.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Attorney Andrew Lieb Analyzes SCOTUS' Ghost Guns Decision and Tory Lanez Sentencing

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from FOX to both offer clarity and insight into the Supreme Court's decision to reinstate the regulation of ghost guns, and to analyze Rapper Tory Lanez' sentencing.  

Ghost GunsThe Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to reinstate the regulation does not indicate a final stance on the regulation's substance. Rather, it's a preservation of the status quo pending appeal. Lieb's legal interpretation suggests that to address the ghost gun issue effectively, Congress might consider legislation to ensure that assembled guns and unassembled kits adhere to the same regulations, simplifying enforcement and closing potential legal loopholes.

The Lanez Conviction: The case of Tory Lanez's shooting of Megan Thee Stallion has legal circles and the public alike dissecting the intricacies of judicial sentencing. The ten-year sentence Lanez received, against the backdrop of the prosecution's 13-year recommendation and the potential 22+ year maximum. A criminal act was committed, and the judicial system delivered a sentence in response to it. 

Newsmax: Attorney Andrew Lieb Defends State Denying Catholic Couple's Foster Application Due to Discrimination on Gender and Sexuality

Attorney Andrew Lieb joins Newsmax to debate with Heritage Foundation attorney about a lawsuit trying to let foster parents discriminate against children's sexual orientation by blaming free speech and religious rights. Lieb argues on behalf of the children from the perspective of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families in defending the decision to deny the couple's foster application. He cites Massachusetts regulations requiring foster parents to support and affirm the sexual orientation and gender identities of LGBTQ foster children. Lieb claims this policy is needed to ensure vulnerable foster children know that they will be loved no matter who they are because the Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law.

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

MSNBC: Attorney Andrew Lieb Analyzes Trump's Indictment Allegations + Fake Electoral Scheme

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined MSNBC to dissect the latest charges brought forth against former President Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith. The in-depth discussion examined the complexities of the alleged fake electoral scheme devised by Trump and his co-conspirators, intending to reverse the 2020 election outcome. Lieb explained the historical precedents of such operations and highlighted how this case deviates. He also evaluated the potential consequences for the "fake electors" and projected what investigators might hope to glean from their testimonies. Beyond this, Lieb delved into Trump's defense strategy, specifically focusing on the invoked First Amendment rights.

Monday, August 07, 2023

MSNBC: Attorney Andrew Lieb Examines Trump's First Amendment Defense on MSNBC

Attorney Andrew Lieb appears on MSNBC to dissect the third indictment lodged against former President Donald Trump. As GOP members widely employ a First Amendment defense, Lieb systematically dismantles these claims by highlighting conspiracy as an exemption to free speech protections, invoking Justice Scalia's ruling in US v. Williams. Lieb underscores that this case transcends mere incitement allegations. Rather, it contends that Trump and his co-conspirators endeavored to manipulate state votes, exerted pressure on former Vice President Pence, and exploit the Capitol violence for their ulterior motives.

CBS NY: Andrew Lieb Talking About Rudy Giuliani Likely First Co-Conspirator In Trump Indictment

Attorney Andrew Lieb joins CBS 2 NY to discuss Rudy Giuliani's as a Co-Conspirator in Trump Indictment. 

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Legal Political Analyst Andrew Lieb Talks About Hunter Biden's Ex Business Partner Devon Archer

Attorney Andrew Lieb reviewed credibility of Devon Archer (Hunter Biden's ex-business partner) on LiveNOW from FOX while considering Archer's fraud conviction. We examined his claims about Joe Biden's role in Hunter's foreign dealings and the potential misuse of VP influence for personal gain. Yet, in allegations of criminality, the burden of proof is crucial. No direct evidence yet. Burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

CBS New York: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talks About The Gilgo Beach Suspect Rex Heuermann Back In Court Today

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined CBS NY morning news today to discuss the latest court proceeding involving the Gilgo Beach suspect, Rex Heuermann. Today's hearing seemed to be procedural, but there could be surprises ahead, considering the ongoing investigation and potential for a superseding indictment with more charges. Unlikely that he will make bail, given the severity of the charges and concerns for his family's safety. The Gilgo Beach murder case has captivated our region, and we're hopeful for a fair trial leading to justice for the victims.

FOX LiveNOW: Legal Analyst Andrew Lieb Talks About Trump Facing New Charges In The Mar-a-Lago Documents Case.

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from FOX to analyze Trump facing new charges in the Mar-a-Lago documents case. Jack Smith's January 6 probe shows an imminent indictment, likely next week. The Mar-a-Lago case got even more damning with a new defendant and 450 years potentially in sentencing. Smith strategically timed the superseding indictment to trap Trump, and the evidence is voluminous, including texts and audio recordings. Getting underlings to turn on the boss is crucial. Prosecutorial expertise is evident in Smith's approach, making it hard for Trump to escape this case. More indictments might follow in DC. 

Newsmax: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talking About Hunter Biden Pleading Not Guilty To Tax & Gun Charges.

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined Newsmax to analyze Hunter Biden's plea deal unraveling in court. Chair Smith from the Ways and Means Committee sought to raise concerns about the investigations with an amicus brief. However, the judge deferred and demanded clarity on the plea deal's immunity scope. This is part of her duty under Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure 11. We have questions but no answers yet, so the investigations must continue. It seems they aimed for a deal in principle without putting the details on paper, raising concerns from a legal standpoint. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Newsmax: Legal Analyst Andrew Lieb Talks About Border Legal Issues

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined Newsmax to discuss border legal issues. Congress must devise a cohesive immigration policy to safeguard people from cartels, enable legal immigration, and maintain secure borders.

CBS NY: Attorney Andrew Lieb Talking About Trump Facing New Charges In Classified Documents Case

Attorney Andrew Lieb discussed Trump facing new charges on CBS New York. Prosecutors are likely aiming to persuade Donald Trump's aide, Walt Nauta, and property manager, Carlos De Oliveira, through potential deals. The looming threat of jail time may make them reconsider loyalty to their boss. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Legal Analyst Andrew Lieb on Michigan School Shooter Ethan Crumbley

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from Fox to delve into the intricacies of the Ethan Crumbley case, where he stands as a school shooter facing a Miller Hearing. The crux of this hearing transcends the mere evaluation of the crime committed; rather, it necessitates a meticulous examination of crucial factors. These include the defendant's age at the time of the incident, the surrounding circumstances that culminated in this tragic event, and most importantly, the potential for rehabilitation.

Throughout the interview he discussed Rehabilitation vs. Punishment. Is the primary goal of our criminal justice system to solely seek retribution and deterrence, or should it earnestly emphasize the opportunity for redemption and reformation? This introspective inquiry challenges the foundation of our societal approach to addressing criminal behavior, especially in cases involving juveniles like Crumbley.