Legal Analysts

Thursday, July 27, 2023

FOX LiveNOW: Legal Analyst Andrew Lieb on Michigan School Shooter Ethan Crumbley

Attorney Andrew Lieb joined LiveNOW from Fox to delve into the intricacies of the Ethan Crumbley case, where he stands as a school shooter facing a Miller Hearing. The crux of this hearing transcends the mere evaluation of the crime committed; rather, it necessitates a meticulous examination of crucial factors. These include the defendant's age at the time of the incident, the surrounding circumstances that culminated in this tragic event, and most importantly, the potential for rehabilitation.

Throughout the interview he discussed Rehabilitation vs. Punishment. Is the primary goal of our criminal justice system to solely seek retribution and deterrence, or should it earnestly emphasize the opportunity for redemption and reformation? This introspective inquiry challenges the foundation of our societal approach to addressing criminal behavior, especially in cases involving juveniles like Crumbley.