Discrimination in housing is no joke and real estate investors are exposed more than ever before. In this #METOO movement, elected officials all over the country have assured the public that they will be enforcing discrimination laws. In fact, we are about to see a new law in New York State that forces Real Estate Brokers to provide a new form to buyers and tenants that shows them how to sue for discrimination. Real Estate Investing Coach Andrew Lieb provides an update to the pending regulation and what landlords and brokers can do to prepare for this new law.
Monday, March 02, 2020
103.9 FM
Andrew Lieb
discrimination law
real estate brokerage tips
real estate investing
real estate investing with andrew lieb
Real Estate Tips
Podcast | New Discrimination Law Coming to NY: Notice of Right to Sue from Brokers
Podcast | New Discrimination Law Coming to NY: Notice of Right to Sue from Brokers
# 103.9 FM
# Andrew Lieb

About the Author
Lauren Lieb - Chief Executive Officer of Lieb Compliance and Lieb School.
Real Estate Tips
103.9 FM,
Andrew Lieb,
discrimination law,
real estate brokerage tips,
real estate investing,
real estate investing with andrew lieb,
Real Estate Tips