Yesterday, the New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman,
announced in a press
release that the first loans have closed in the New
York State Mortgage Assistance Program (NYSMAP) to help homeowners across
the state pay off their mortgage arrears and/or liens in order to avoid
This program was launched on Long Island in September and was
opened to the rest of the state in mid-October to provide funds to homeowners
so that they may apply and be approved for loan modifications. Since one of the
most common reasons for loan modification denial is the inability to pay off
mortgage arrears, unpaid property taxes, and liens on properties in
foreclosure, these NYSMAP loans are specifically designed to help homeowners
pay off these types of debt up to $40,000. The program has already received 41
loan applications and approved 9 loans from Long Island alone. Mr. Schneiderman
is predicting that hundreds of loans across the state will be approved over the
next year, helping homeowners obtain loan modifications and keep their homes
into the future.
Click here at or
call 855-466-3456 to see if you are eligible for a loan through NYSMAP.