Legal Analysts

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Want to make money

For information on applying to become a Fannie Mae listing broker*, appraiser, repair contractor, eviction attorney, maintenance company, or closing agent/title company - click here.

Looking for a great deal

Freddie Mac's website that sells their inventory of foreclosed properties can be found by clicking here. Not to be outdone, Fannie Mae's website that sells their REOs can be found by clicking here. Happy hunting.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Knowing what the servicers know - The Servicer Handbook

This is a link to the new handbook provided by the government for servicers to comply with the Home Affordability Modification Program.

Previously, I had directed students to Supplemental Directives, which detail requirements in each individual topic. This handbook should minimize the need to read Supplemental Directives because it reorganizes the topics coherently for functionality and practicality. As always, stay tuned to new versions, which will of course optimize this product.