Legal Analysts

Showing posts with label registry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label registry. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

New Foreclosure Compliance Rules in Town of Southampton

The Town of Southampton has issued a new compliance protocol (Town Code at Chapter 262) for Foreclosure Plaintiffs in response to an increase in crime and deterioration in property appearance. 

The new law sets forth a Registration Scheme with new maintenance obligations:

  • Homes are to kept free and clear of weeds, overgrown brush, trash, dead vegetation, debris, etc.
  • No graffiti
  • Requirements for watering, irrigation, cutting and mowing of lawn
  • Pools and spas to be clear of pollutants and debris
Properties subject to foreclosure must be properly secured in order to avoid unauthorized access:

  • Locked windows, doors, and gates
  • Repairs to broken windows, doors, and gates
  • Designation of a property manager to maintain and perform necessary work

Penalties & Fines include:

  • $1,000 fine or up to 15 days in jail (or both), for each violation
  • $1,000-$5,000 fine or up to 15 days in jail (or both) for a second or subsequent violation
  • $150 for first day of violation, $250 for second day of violation, $500 for third day of violation and continuing.
Will the new registration requirements really increase the value of neighborhoods and decrease crime and deterioration? 

Friday, February 19, 2021

New Law Alert - Registry of Construction Work-Related Fatal Injuries to be Established - Ambulance Chasers Take Notice

The NYS Department of Labor is being required by a new law to establish an online database by April 22, 2021 to make available all information and data regarding all workplace fatalities in the construction industry.

Originally, this law stupidly applied to employees rather than workers and contractors, which is the standard for workers in the industry. Now, this has been fixed by new law

If you are a GC (general contractor) and you don't think that the ambulance chasers have already planned to favorite this website, you have another thing coming. It's time to button-up those safety protocols, meetings, and compliance checks. 

What are you doing to protect yourself from suit?