Housing discrimination is very serious and exposes Landlords and Real Estate Brokers to major lawsuits for big money damages. Attorney Andrew Lieb, Esq. explains to real estate investors and brokers how to minimize exposure and not discriminate to potential tenants. Learn what to say and what not to say when dealing with prospective tenants to avoid getting sued.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Andrew Lieb
Fair Housing
housing discrimination
lieb at law
Lieb School
real estate broker
real estate lawsuits
Real Estate Tips
real tips real estate
What Landlords & Brokers Can Discuss When Dealing With Tenants To Avoid Discrimination in Housing
What Landlords & Brokers Can Discuss When Dealing With Tenants To Avoid Discrimination in Housing

About the Author
Lauren Lieb - Chief Executive Officer of Lieb Compliance and Lieb School.
real tips real estate
Andrew Lieb,
Fair Housing,
housing discrimination,
lieb at law,
Lieb School,
real estate broker,
real estate lawsuits,
Real Estate Tips,
real tips real estate