Available hereare all cases, statutes, and other supporting materials for the CLE, The Top Real Estate Laws of 2018, sponsored by the Nassau County Bar Association, presented on Wednesday, April 10, 20109
The New York City Council has approved the FARE Act (Int 0360-2024), a new bill that eliminates upfront broker fees for most renters. Curre...
Attorney Andrew Lieb is an Attorney, Legal Analyst, & Political Strategist who actively appears on regional and national news and print media including Newsweek, FOX LIVE, NBC, NBCLX, TV 55, CBS, ABC, Court TV, FOX 5 NY, PIX 11, News 12, Newsy, and NewsNation. Radio appearances include America’s First News with Gordon Deal, The Ross Kaminsky Show, Jimmy Barrett, KPRC, KTRH, 1010 Wins, WFAN, NPR, WHPC, KOA, WRCN Radio.
Attorney Andrew Lieb is the Founder of Lieb at Law and Lieb School.
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