Legal Analysts

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing - New HUD Rule

HUD announced new proposed fair housing rules on February 9, 2023 in the federal register

To remind you, fair housing rules are anti-discrimination laws for our nation's housing renters, purchers, and occupants. 

This rule is about Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, which requires fair housing analysis for local communities, states, and public housing agencies and requires them to set ambitious goals to address fair housing issues in their communities.

In summary, the proposed rule creates new levels of accountability and scrutiny on local communities and housing agencies. However, the big issue is that the rule requires program participants to set fair housing goals, but it fails to advise what that means and we are sure, in today's society, it means diametrically opposed concepts to different groups.

The comment period is open until April 10, 2023 - you can comment at the Federal eRulemaking Portal at