When your neighbors list their house for sale, proceed with caution and see an attorney immediately if you are presented with an out of possession title affidavit or a boundary line agreement.
This affidavit or agreement is a writing wherein you, as a neighbor, swears, under the penalties of perjury, that you do not assert an ownership claim to real estate which has been used by you as if it were your own. Meaning, part of the property owned by your neighbor in their deed, such as a driveway, fence, shrubs, bulkheading, wood chopping area, boat storage, or the like, may have been used by you for a period of time sufficient to transfer the ownership to you through legal concepts called either adverse possession or a prescriptive easement. However, the new purchaser wants this affidavit or agreement so you disclaim your ownership rights.
Read the complete article in full by Andrew Lieb, Esq. here.
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Andrew Lieb
huffington post
Neighbor Issues
Real Estate Tips
Neighbor Warning: Don't Sign Out of Possession Title Affidavits
Neighbor Warning: Don't Sign Out of Possession Title Affidavits

About the Author
Lauren Lieb - Chief Executive Officer of Lieb Compliance and Lieb School.
Real Estate Tips