Legal Analysts

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

What Rights Does an Employee have if Penalized for Using Legally Protected Absences in NYS?

An employee who was discharged, threatened, penalized, or in any other manner discriminated or retaliated against because such employee used any legally protected absence pursuant to federal, local, or state law will soon be able to bring a lawsuit against their employer now that S1958A has passed both the NYS Assembly & Senate. 

In fact, such an employee will have 2 years after the violation to sue and recover lost compensation and damages, liquidated damages of up to $20,000, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. Plus, the Court can order rehiring or reinstatement and restoration of seniority. Alternatively, in lieu of reinstatement, an award of front pay can be awarded.

Employers better learn and provide legal days off ASAP.